【語 言】 部分繁體中文+大多數英文
軟體名稱】 B1 Free Archiver zip rar unzip
【版本資訊】 v0.6.0
【軟體大小】 2.96MB
【更新日期】 2013年6月1日
【使用權限】 免費
【系統支持】 因裝置而異
*** Main features:
* open zip files (unzip)
* open rar files (unrar)
* open 7z, apk, a, ar, arj, bz2, bzip2, cab, deb, gz, gzip, jar, iso, lha, lzh, lzma, mtz, rpm,
tar, tar.bz2, tbz, tbz2, tar.gz, tgz, tpz, taz, tar.lzma, tar.xz, tar.Z, xap, xar, xz, Z, zipx
* support for zip with non-Latin symbols
* open password-protected zip, rar and 7z
* open multi-part (splitted) rar and b1 archives
* compress files into zip archive
* compress files into b1 with smart compression
* progress in notification area and work in background mode
* file navigation, copy/paste, delete/rename, file properties
* multi-selection of files and folders
* favorite folders
* hiding files from media scan
B1 Free Archiver is an application to unzip and unrar archives and extract original set of files.
B1 can open .zip, .rar, .b1, as well as 34 other formats.
Also you can create b1 and zip archives to compress files and folders.
+ support for other formats, including iso, tar.gz, bz2, and others
+ detect external SD, "Go to..." menu item
* improvements when extracting non-Latin symbols
+ support for splitted zip archives
+ detect zip, rar, etc files which are not real archives
* ui improvements and bug fixes
+ status icon in notification area
* stability fixes
* fixes for big archives
+ minimize button
* application icon update
【手機截圖】 以下由ASUS Padfone2截圖