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[分享] DIYer動手更換Nokia 5觸控螢幕不求人 Nokia 5 LCD Touching panel replacement

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philipchen01 | 收聽TA | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
發表於 2020-10-12 06:17

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本帖最後由 philipchen01 於 2020-10-13 09:10 編輯

周一依然休假,透過第一次使用蝦皮網購得知中和某通訊行有售Nokia 5觸控螢幕總成,故下午頂著小雨騎去買,預備打發一天。有朋友問為何不拍攝視頻? 在下只是一名DIY者,並非店家,沒有太多時間製作精美影片,但透過文字與相片一樣可以達到效果,分享給大家。

DIYer like me, decided to replace the broken LCD screen module during the last holiday of the Moon Festival.

Always take photos before operation.
The new LCD display module has both one connector and one socket that link to Nokia 5 motherboard, this is the video connector.

Using enlarging function of camera can let you examine more carefully on key parts on the new LCD display module.
The other socket is responsible for data transmission of return/menu/home touching areas in front of Nokia 5.

For every craftsman, using proper tools can avoid damaging parts.
I sharpened the tip of the small plastic shovel before operation so that it is easily to flip the gate of connector to insert/pull out the data cable attached to this connector

Using hairdryer instead of professional heating tools is O.K.
The glue will get soft and easily removed, especially the top and the bottom of front panel.

Focus on heating only the edge of LCD screen, since the broken glass is fragile, it was easy to remove the glue.

Actually the glue has been harden at the edge, use knife carefully to peel the glass from the edge, cut it off while beware of the fragile glass! Protect your eyes!!

Also can be done using any thin hard plastic sheet. Open the broken display panel from the top first.

Watch out, here comes the LCD display connector and cable, don"t remove the broken screen off too quickly.
Using small screw driver to remove the screw.

After removing the small iron plate, you will see the display connector.

Lever up the connector from the top skillfully, it was only attached upon the surface of socket.

The above was the old broken LCD display panel module, the motherboard and battery were behind the silver iron plate.

Comparing these two modules, we still need to get the return/menu/home sensors from the old module.

Checking the serial numbers of sensor and LCD screen, the latter is the same as the new LCD screen"s. Note the sensor later will be taken down and transplanted to the new module.

Clearly the sensor will be placed upon to fill the hole and proper area showed as indicated.

Remover the yellow sticker from the old module. The cable and connector of sensor was revealed.

Again using small plastic shovel to lever up the small gate from the white part. Gently.

Pull out the cable, we have the sensor of return/menu/home.

This is the front view.
Carefully remove the glue around the black glass button. And don"t erase the square white sensor when peel off the glass and glue.

Ready to transplant the sensor upon the new LCD display module. Note, the gate of small socket has been open before.

Put the cable inside the socket and close the gate of connector.

Put back the yellow protection sticker upon the socket and connector.

Now it"s time to clean the residual glue and tiny glass on the base before installing the LCD panel module.
Scratch any glue around the edge so that we may get a flat and nice outlooks.

I put them in the wrong direction in the last picture, this is the right angle.
Note the cable can never be bend.

Using finger to install the LCD display cable upon the socket on motherboard.
You will feel a click when in right position.

Always testing before any glue operation.
Great! my Nokia 5 is coming back.

The light on sensor to show "return/menu" also functioned well.

Finally, I only used double-side tape instead of technical glue.
Oh, I should have pasted the tape upon the edge of motherboard instead of panel, damn me!
p.s You"d better use fast glue with fine dip tube to seal the panel and metal case, but beware of the power and volume buttons at the side. Don"t dip too much fast glue to fail the function.

Behold the Nokia 5 and HTC E9 plus, both they are old models, they"ll accompany me till the next new model, maybe iPhone 12? Who knows?
Thanks for watching.

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