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[桌布主題] 【推薦】FTL Launcher Pro v3.0.0已付費版

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kuangzai | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2012-4-15 16:51

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【APP 介紹】
FTL Launcher Pro是一款小巧快速的桌面啟動器,是XDA論壇成員基於Gingerbread Launcher 2的源代碼編寫,全名為Faster Than Light Launcher。

【APP 特色】
1.Fully accelerated 3D Waterfall app drawer
2.Normal 2D app drawer
3.Choice between 3 and 5 icon Dock
4.Configurable support for launcher auto-rotation
5.Configurable number of homescreens: from 1 to 9
6.Configurable default homescreen
7.Configurable transition speed of homescreens
8.Configurable bounce effect on homescreen transitions
9.Configurable Homescreen grid: From 4 to 6 rows, and 4 to 6 columns (must restart FTL for changes to take effect!)
10.Hide/show icon titles on homescreen shortcuts
11.Configurable Dock icons size
12.Configurable infinite looping of homescreens
13.Configurable wallpaper scrolling
14.Configurable support for scrollable widgets
15.Swipe to action: Configurable "swipe up" to open drawer
16.Swipe to action: Configurable "swipe down" to pull notification bar
17.Includes anim speed: precise control over core Android windows/transition animation speed
18.Configurable support for resizeable widgets: only when adding them to the homescreen, you cannot edit them later.

【v3.0.0 更新內容】
1.現在可以套用ADW Launcher/GoLauncher/LauncherPro的圖示主題與工具列主題

【APP 截圖】
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eartha + 1 + 1 讚一個!
jbj8659036 + 1 偶像,看完你的內容,讓我找到了活著的意義.


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wwei0307 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2012-4-17 02:05
accelerated 3D Waterfall app drawer
2.Normal 2D app drawer
3.Choice between 3 and 5 icon Dock
4.Configurable support for launcher auto-rotation
5.Configurable number of homescreens: from 1 to 9
6.Configurable default homescree
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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wwei0307 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2012-4-20 01:08
urable "swipe up" to open drawer
16.Swipe to action: Configurable "swipe down" to pull notification bar
17.Includes anim speed: precise control over core Android windows/transition animation speed
18.Configurable support for resizeable widg
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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使用道具 舉報

lee810914 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2012-4-28 12:13
謝樓主~~前幾天更新成gdx v21的launcher居然是未付費的版本
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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s890616 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2012-5-27 19:24
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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eartha | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2012-6-20 16:35
謝謝, 很漂亮 , S2正常使用中, 謝謝大大無私的分享
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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244649890 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2012-7-28 14:52
布希望會比go launcher快一點吧
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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江雅雯 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2012-7-30 03:19
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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