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[資訊] CM 最新進展 10/18 重點問題將在alpha 2/3版修復 增加修復問題

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fam1001 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2011-10-18 09:20

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版本/修復進度 最後更新 10/18 CST 10/17 EST
Folder deletion on reboot to android  文件被刪除問題 2版修復
Silly battery drain 耗電問題  2版修復
TP won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t wake up SOD   休眠問題 2版修復
Wifi hangs in Sleep then does not reconnect wifi 在休眠後斷開連接 2版修復
Touchscreen unresponsive after sleep 觸摸屏喚醒後失效 2版修復 補丁測試中
Pptp vpn not working vpn不工作 2版修復 補丁測試中
distorted audio on display sleep     休眠時聲音混亂 2版修復
Need to get device serial #  機器唯一序列號 3版修復
Multitouch is much too sensitive 觸摸屏太敏感 3版修復

Touchstone doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t charge Touchpad 底座不給TP充電 補丁測試中

作者們已經開始 alpha 2 的修復工作


大量用戶使用, 出現了不少問題 算公測吧

CyanogenMod -  Currently
-(A Project that goal is to be able to dual-boot android and webOS)
這個項目的目標是android webos 雙啟動

What currently works:/下面這些是正常工作的

COMPLETE Wifi (Fixed 10/9) /wifi 10.9 修復
COMPLETE Camera (Fixed 10/7) /相機 10.7 修復
COMPLETE Touchstone Support (Fixed 10/6)   /底座充電器支持 (應該是android 界面提示充電) 10.6 修復
COMPLETE Power Management (Fixed 10/4) /電源管理 10.4 修復
COMPLETE Clockwork Recovery (Fixed 9/30) /Clockwork android 刷機用rom 管理程式
COMPLETE Battery Reporting (Fixed 9/29) /電池報告9.29 修復
COMPLETE Fake SD card Mount (Fixed 9/26)  /模擬加掛SD 卡9.26修復
COMPLETE Vibration (Fixed 9/26)  /震動 9.24修復
COMPLETE Bluetooth (Fixed 9/24) /藍牙
COMPLETE Dual CPU Processor (Fixed 9/23) /2個核心都工作
COMPLETE Fast Switch Boot (Appears fixed to me Video Update 9/23) /快速啟動
COMPLETE Booting into Android /啟動進入android
COMPLETE ADB commands via ADB /ADB 命令行
COMPLETE Power, back/home and volume button layout  /電源, 回主界面, 音量鍵
COMPLETE Touchscreen support (Multi-touch, 10 fingers) /10手指多點
COMPLETE GPU Acceleration (50/50 2D Accel support, just like any other gingerbread device out there)) GPU 加速 (50/50 2D支持,效果和其他姜餅系統一樣)
COMPLETE Sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApfeSj4Ql6Q /聲音
COMPLETE Accelerometer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IVkj_vdY6s /加速計
COMPLETE Backlight (Confirmed in IRC) /背光
COMPLETE LED (Confirmed in IRC) /LED 應該是home 鍵上的LED
COMPLETE Multiboot (Confirmed in IRC) /多系統啟動
COMPLETE Light Sensor (Confirmed in IRC)  /光線傳感器
COMPLETE Accessing webOS files from Android and vice versa versa /從android 下調用webos 下的文件 (或者反過來)
COMPLETE Softkeys /螢幕軟鍵盤
PARTIALLY Compass (Bugs need to be worked out)   /完成部分指南針 (還有bugs需要解決)

What does not currently work: /現在不能工作的
See issues below/ 看下面的問題

What currently being worked on: /現在在研究如何讓下面的項目工作
Gyroscope /陀螺儀
Bugs and Issues, see below. /各種小問題 看下面

What can possibly work: /可能工作的
HDMI through Micro USB (The System-on-a-Chip has the required hardware, but the required input pins may not be there)
/通過USB 輸出HDMI (存在需要的硬體,但是可能沒有輸出的硬體接口/針(pin))

GPS (Does not seem possible to implement because hardware seems to be lacking GPS functionality)
/GPS (似乎不大可能實現, 因為硬體缺少真正的GPS 功能)

Issues: /問題

以下問題為用戶報告 有些是扯蛋的  還有大量低優先級的bug
Folder deletion on reboot to android root 文件被刪除問題Plugging headphones should shut off  speaker volume 插入耳機 喇叭不靜音
Silly battery drain 電池消耗過快
Sound Recording = fubar  錄音問題 MIC 就只能錄內部的聲音
TP won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t wake up 睡死問題
Gyroscope in userspace  陀螺儀
Get Android kernel source from HP 從HP那邊要內核 HP其實違反了開源協議
orientation auto-change turns itself off  (?) 自動翻轉功能實效
Extend Vold for lvm labels
Device does not shutdown at critical  battery level 低電壓無法自動關閉
Camera does not take pictues 無法照相
802.1x EAP Wireless Networks Will Not  Connect 企業wifi 無法驗證 連不上
Bluetooth Keyboard & On-screen  Keyboard clash 藍牙和螢幕鍵盤衝突
distorted audio on display sleep 睡眠時播放音樂 音樂沒法聽
Bluetooth keyboard directional buttons  mapped only for portrait 只有豎著放機器 藍牙鍵盤的方向鍵才能用
    Wifi hangs in Sleep then does not  reconnect 喚醒後wifi 失去連接
Install apk failure (graphical issue)  apk文件安裝失敗 顯示方式問題
Touchscreen unresponsive after sleep 喚醒後觸摸屏失效
Random Reboot 隨機重啟
Touchstone doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t charge Touchpad    reboot to webOS seems to shut down  instead, powering up loads webOS 底座在android 下無法給機器充電 webos 下沒問題
Action buttons on the HP TouchPad  Authentic Keyboard Buttons not working (top row) touchpad 物理鍵盤上的action 無法使用
Slow 802.11n speeds  11n 網速很慢
HP Kernel very chatty, make it more quiet    Low Audio and Video quality  HP內核很不給力 超級差的視訊和聲音效果
Icons seem to be rendered 16 bit only  (blurry)  圖標模糊 渲染成16位
Mount as USB Hard Drive fails  加載usb 失敗
A static noise from the lower speaker  i.e. speaker near the Home Button 揚聲器發出很低的噪音
Speakers make a quiet fluttering sound  when a notification is recieved. 揚聲器發出很飄逸的噪音 當有新的提示的時候
putting TouchPad on Touchstone or  removing it always kills active application 把TP 放在底座充電 再拿走會導致程式被關閉
Tablet Options menu stops working  平板設定程式失去響應
Random drop-out of multitouch  隨機失去多點功能
Force close \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Wireless &  Networks\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" settings when Wi-Fi is on.Possible screen issue. 當wifi 工作的時候無線和網路設定失去響應 可能是螢幕的問題
802.11n 5ghz networks not showing 11n的5G 頻率無法使用
Use camera as rear camera for scanning  apps 掃瞄軟體無法識別相機 它們要找機器後面的攝像機 可是沒有
Pptp vpn not working pptp vpn 無法使用
Network performance is slow  網路性能很差
No network connections at all after start  in Android (from totaly off-power) 啟動android 後沒有網路連接
Power widgets reset after fresh start 重啟後電源插件復位
Fix permissions in CWM will bork the  device 修復CWM 權限導致機器變磚
Screen Auto-Rotation not working  螢幕自動翻轉功能失效
Audio problems with multiple VOIP  programs VOIP 軟體有聲音問題
BT touchpad keyboard is QWERTY instead of  AZERTY (FR)  法語鍵盤問題
com.cyanogenmod.CMParts  不知道什麼東西
QtADB gets wrong colors in screenshots 截屏顏色問題
Wifi performance is and up and down  battle wifi性能時好時壞
Widgets 6 x 1 don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t want to be placed on  screen 6X1的插件無法防止螢幕上
YouTube app doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t show video in  portrait  youtube 程式無法顯示視訊在豎著放的時候
Bottom homescreen application buttons  dissapear/change  下面的虛擬鍵盤消失
Possible high current battery issue 電池問題 高電流
Cell Standby should ALWAYS be 0% on a  Touchpad TP應該在沒電的時候自己關機
cyanogen mod freezes on start up 開機時候被hold 住了 進不去了
CM should not set constant serial number  for \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'phone info\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' 在電話訊息裡面CM 不應該設定恆定的一個值
Sometime on standby the touchpad has to  be restarted in order to see the screen again.  還是休眠問題
time and date not persistant when poweeed  off 電源關閉後時間錯亂 不持續
battery temp not detected in CM CM下電池溫度無法探測

Fixed Issues /修復的問題

Fixed Reboot to Android from webOS app (Fixed 10/12)
可以通過webos 的程式進入android(重啟)
Fixed msm_rotator does not work correctly. Screen may rotate for video, but becomes distorted. (Fixed 10/11)

看視訊的螢幕可以自動旋轉, 但是顯示的內容會亂掉
Fixed Sleep Issues (Fixed 10/11)
Fixed Touchscreen has feedback issues (Fixed 10/11)
Fixed Camera fails to save to disk, does not rotate (Fixed 10/11)
修復相機無法保持到硬盤?(不是相片), 不會旋轉
Fixed Airplane mode stays on once turned on, happens because the touchpad doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t have a real radio interface layer. (Fixed 10/10)
/修復 飛行模式一旦開啟無法關閉, 因為TP沒有真正的無線界面層
Fixed Screen stays blank for 10 second before boot animation appears (Fixed 10/9) (Confirmed in IRC)
/修復 在啟動動畫前 螢幕會黑屏10秒
Fixed Wifi Issues (Fixed 10/9)
Fixed Sh exceeds the open file limit (Fixed 10/9)
/修復 腳本文件過大
Fixed Sleep Issues for Wifi (Fixed 10/9)
/喚醒後wifi 問題
Fixed CPU stays on max frequency (Fixed 10/8)
Fixed Touchscreen turns off when accelerometer is disabled (Fixed 10/7)
/當加速計關閉的時候 觸摸屏關閉
Fixed Touchstone works and charges, but no event is raised to show you it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s charging (Fixed 10/6)
/ 底座充電器給android充電的時候沒提示
Fixed Touchscreen events (touches) are ignored after sleep (Fixed 10/5)
Fixed Protect certain partitions in the kernel (Fixed 10/5)
Fixed Root for bluetooth cmattach (Fixed 10/5)
/不知道這是什麼 應該是藍牙權限
Fixed Touchscreen stays on at all times, even when screen is turned off (Fixed 10/4)
/觸摸屏保持通電狀態 哪怕螢幕關閉
Fixed Touchscreen has issues with pinch gestures (Fixed 10/3)
Fixed No root access (Fixed 9/30)
/沒有root 權限



Chroid (alpha 0.1)
期待哦 等更新的版本

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發表於 2011-10-28 23:07
Thanks brother. Wait for this group for a very long time. Fully support your work!!
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