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[分享] 經過兩百多人的測試 頭目戰送的藥水平均佔所有贈品的一....

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xiaoqb | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2017-8-22 11:12

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大家以後背包的藥水可以少存一點了  和復活石一樣 反正都會送 就用頭目戰送的就好了
Based on an analysis made by X-lem and posted on SilphRoad’s Reddit, 51.68% of the Raid Rewards are going to be potions.

A few days ago, X-lem has made a Google Sheets document, where he managed to track the results of players’ Raid rewards. On the sheet, 235 Trainers had to input Raid Lvl, Premier Ball, Rare Candy, Golden Raspberry, Fast Tm, Charged TM, Potion, Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max Potion and Revives.
Based on the Raid Lvl and how many of each reward these 235 players received, X-lem has come to the final results:

  • Raid level 1 – 63.24%
  • Raid level 2 – 54.08%
  • Raid level 3 – 45.83%
  • Raid level 4 – 57.64%
  • Raid level 5 – 43.44%
  • Total Average – 51.68%

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