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[轉載] 【每日生活】十大熱門求婚地點 猜猜第一名是哪裡(雙語)

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發表於 2016-9-24 20:39

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【每日生活】十大熱門求婚地點 猜猜第一名是哪裡(雙語)

Traditional marriageproposals couldsoon be consigned to the history books– with almost halfof them now happening at homein front of the TV.
A study of newlywedshas foundmodern men are ditching age-old traditional proposalcustom in favour of a morelacklustre approach.
The study found onlya third of mennow go down on one knee to pop the question as theirfathers and grandfathers’ generations would have done.
And the age-oldtradition of askingthe bride’s father for her hand in marriageisalso on the verge of dying out with 63% of recently married malesclaimingthey “didn’t bother”.
Even the idea ofpicking a romanticlocation to propose has fallen by the wayside,with the typical ‘Will you marry me?’ now mostlikely to take placeat home.
Only six percentbothered to taketheir partner abroad on holiday– but the same number of menproposed in thelocal pub – and 5.5% popped the question inthecar.
The study also foundthe averageamount of time in a relationship before a proposal isnow three years – so British women are takingmatters into their own hands in abid to get a proposal.
Almost a third ofwomen 29% now endup choosing their own ring, rather than lettingtheir partner decide.
The typicalbride-to-be will alsoenlist the help of at least one friend tohelp speed up a proposal – as well as droppingtwo major engagement hints to encouragetheir partner to pop thequestion.
Casually asking ‘Whowould you want as your best man?’, commenting on celebrities"engagement rings - and jokinglysuggesting you apply for the TVshow ‘Don"tTell the Bride’ are the most common tactics.
Lorna Haddon,diamond ring andjewellery buyer at Beaverbrooks who commissionedthe study of 1,500 newlyweds,commented: "The stresses and strainsof modern life mean we don’t always have the time to be as romanticas we would perhaps liketo be.
"Busy lives andhecticschedules mean we have fewer hours in the day for romance– however our study shows women do still want the‘picture perfect proposal’ – and it"snot onlypicking the perfect engagement ring that counts.
“The location,atmosphere and little details that mean a lot tothem really make aproposal personal and truly special, and as it’s a once in alifetime occasion it’s wellworth making the effort."
Top 10 modernproposal destinations
1. At home– 49%
1. 家中-49%
2. On a day out– 7%
2. 出門約會-7%
3. On holiday abroad– 6%
3. 出國度假-6%
4. The local pub– 6%
4. 當地酒吧-6%
5. On holiday in theUK – 5%
5. 國內度假-6%
6. In the car– 5.5%
6. 車內-5.5%
7. At a restaurant– 4.5%
7. 餐廳-4.5%
8. In the garden– 2%
8. 花園-2%
9. On the beach– 2%
9. 沙灘-2%
10. In a Hotel– 1%
10. 酒店-1%

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