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[其他] ☆安卓白牌軍☆Sleep as Android Full v20151209 build 1176 Unlocked 睡...

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發表於 2015-12-10 10:40

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安卓白牌軍☆Sleep as Android Full v20151209 build 1176 Unlocked 睡眠追蹤  

【語  言】繁體 其他
軟體名稱】Sleep as Android Full
【版本資訊】v20151209 build 1176 Unlocked


- 睡眠週期追蹤及智能喚醒 (2 周免費試用)
- 睡眠圖表歷史
- 缺覺、深層睡眠及打鼾統計
- 支援使用 Pebble 智慧手錶追蹤睡眠狀況
- 社交網路分享 (FaceBook, Twitter)
- 音量輕柔的大自然鬧鈴聲 (鳥鳴聲、海浪聲、風暴聲...)
- 使用音樂播放清單作為鬧鈴
- 有助於快速入睡的雙聲道節奏大自然搖籃曲
- 不再貪睡,使用“驗證碼”確認完全喚醒 (數學題、找綿羊、搖一搖手機、起床刷 QR 碼或者 NFC 標籤)
- 夢話錄音,鼾聲檢測以及防打鼾

-Experimental Spotify integration: alarms + lullaby
-Fix for Spotify suspend/resume alarm in CAPTCHA
-Fix for bluetooth smart heart rate monitoring on Android M: workaround for requiring location service to be enabled when using a BT device
-Automatic restarting of BTLE heart rate monitors when it stops sending data
-Tasker action to start an ideal sleep length sleep tracking
-Alarm dialog auto restarting when left
-Different difficulty levels for each captcha
-Peelight in menu of the tracking screen available also for pre-M devices
-All permissions are now optional on Android M
-Experimental stop recording when lucid dreaming audio cue and show lucid cues in graph
-Option to choose path for noise recordings on your SD card on Lollipop and earlier
-Battery optimized option on tracking screen for device which support sensor batching
-Option to set silent Lucid cue and rather rely on light, vibe or smartwatch
-More battery efficient work-around for doze mode on Android M
-Enabling noise recording will now suppress “Battery optimized” mode
-Lullaby correctly handles phone calls
-Alarm postpone: allow temporarily postpone repeating alarms by X minutes
-Hide noise column from stats if not tracked
-Fix for HR sensor left ON after Wear app exists
-Fix for turning of lullaby (not just volume) when falling asleep
-Fix for weather info after sleep tracking
-Pebble: Pebble Time Round support, bedtime and alarm on timeline, fix for long press to resume paused tracking
-Skip next alarm directly accessible from alarm detail
-Fix for missing awake phase when detected from heart rates
-Google Fit + S Health: Import of sensor walking data into sleep graphs
-Noise recording playback position indicator
-Explicit configuration option for QR and NFC CAPTCHAs in Settings > CAPTCHA
-Interacting with CAPTCHA will increase alarm sound suppress timer automatically
-REM phase Taker event works even when lucid dreaming is off
-Fix for “…” button on alarm list
-Fix weird sounds with fixed volume alarms
-Fix broken vibration with fixed volume alarms
-Fix for crashes if auto start lullaby is miss-configured
-Fix in alarm postpone
-Fix in silent alarm regression
-Non-intrusive “Hello” splash screen
-Workaround for buggy phones that popup every time SD-Card is written. We significantly reduce number of these popups
-Fix for crash on startup on 2.3 firmwares
-Deleting all disabled alarm required solving captcha for snooze/soon alarms
-If screen orientation is locked on alarm, phones will always use portrait mode
-When notification about alarm coming soon is dismissed, it won’t appear again
-New texts in Ukrainian, Polish, Chinese, German, Dutch, Portuguese (Many thanks!)









Sleep as Android Full v20151209 build 1176 Unlocked.apk (10.01 MB, 下載次數: 76, 售價: 1 個碎鑽)
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參與人數 8碎鑽 +4 幫助 +8 收起 理由
小悟 + 1 偶像,看完你的內容,讓我找到了活著的意義.
ppap + 1 + 1 非常讃
hulingwei2 + 1 好內容,老衲來為這篇文章開開光.
woolala + 1 + 1 非常讃
OmenPushka + 1 + 1 非常讃
superbass + 1 偶像,看完你的內容,讓我找到了活著的意義.
madisonhung + 1 好內容,老衲來為這篇文章開開光.
george690301 + 1 + 1 非常讃


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