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本帖最後由 avlife 於 2012-3-28 20:54 編輯
Samsung today confirmed that its smartphone/tablet combo device has surpassed sales of 5 million units (to operators, retailers etc.). The Galaxy Note was first launched in late October and took just 5 months to reach since this milestone.
Samsung says thanks to the high sales of Galaxy Note, they’ve managed to grab about 67 percent of the smartphone market share in Korea and number one position in countries like China, France and Spain.
Engadget 27日報導,三星電子(Samsung Electronics)宣布,搭載5.3吋螢幕的「Galaxy Note」類平板智慧型手機僅發售5個月,全球出貨量就達到5百萬台。該款裝置在去(2011)年12月底就突破了100萬台整數大關。
相較之下,三星旗艦智慧型手機「Galaxy S II」在發售六個月後出貨量就突破1,000萬支。雖然Galaxy Note的出貨數據不如Galaxy S II,但考量其介於平板、智慧機之間的獨特設計,5個月出貨500萬台的數據仍令人印象深刻。不過,值得注意的是,三星公佈的是出貨數據,而非直接賣給消費者的銷售數據,因此真正的銷售量可能較低。
The Verge報導,日本行動電話公司NTT DoCoMo已經宣佈,將在4月6日開賣支援4G LTE行動通訊技術的Galaxy Note,代號為「Docomo Next Series Galaxy Note SC-05D」。這款Note將搭載1.5GHz雙核心處理器、32GB記憶體以及Android 2.3 Gingerbread作業系統。
Galaxy Note、Galaxy S II與LG Optimus將是日本首批開賣的LTE手機,三者都將運用NTT DoCoMo的「Xi」LTE網路。目前尚未得知定價資訊。
全文網址: http://www.moneydj.com/KMDJ/News/NewsViewer.aspx?a=25ae789f-eeaa-442b-993f-e5fbb1d60a57#ixzz1qPpFtHG8
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