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[資訊] m7 update 5.0將延遲

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goldchioua | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2015-2-2 11:20

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01.An Update on Our Lollipop Rollout


03.Delivering major Android updates to our flagship phones has been a top priority for us because, just like you, we love having the latest and greatest software as soon as possible. By setting the 90-day goal to deliver these updates a few years ago, we have driven change within our own company as well as in the industry. Today you are seeing updates much sooner even from other OEMs. We also brought a new level of transparency to the process and the ability to track the status of the updates in real time when we launched the software updates page on HTC.com, which is also being replicated by other OEMs.

04.In the spirit of continued transparency, I wanted to share a quick update on where we’re at with our Android Lollipop rollout process. We"ve been working hard in the labs with Google and our carrier partners ever since the code release and are making great progress so far, but if you’ve been following the progress of this rollout you will know that Google has had to address several issues with this release. We’ve been diligently working to fix some of them on our end and incorporating Google’s fixes as quickly as possible, but despite everyone’s best efforts some carrier versions of the HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7) will not meet our 90 day goal, which is February 1st. While we are committed to delivering within this time period, we are even more committed to ensuring these updates result in an even better experience with your device because that is what the updates are intended to do.

05.We are continuing to push hard to deliver Lollipop to all devices as near the 90-day mark as possible, but we are taking every precaution to ensure the rollout is right and we aren’t willing to compromise at your expense. As of today, we’ve rolled out to Google Play, Unlocked, and Developer Editions of the HTC One (M8). We’re still working through the testing process with our partners and hope to have good news to share soon. We promise to keep you updated in real-time as additional devices receive the update on our Software Updates page and @HTCUSA on Twitter.

06.Thanks for your patience and feel free to reach out on Twitter if you have any additional questions.

07.Mo Versi

08.Vice President, Product Management


10.Go Seahawks!
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發表於 2015-2-2 16:34
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04.In持續透明的精神,我想分享的,我們是在用我們的Android棒棒糖部署過程中的快速更新。我們“一直在努力與谷歌和我們的運營商合作夥伴自從代碼發布的實驗室,並取得重大進展,到目前為止,但如果你一直在關注這一部署的進度,你就會知道,谷歌不得不解決幾個此版本的問題。我們一直在努力工作,以解決一些他們對我們的終端,並納入谷歌的修復盡快,但儘管每個人都盡了最大努力的的HTC One(M8)和HTC一(M7)一些運營商的版本將不符合我們的90天的目標,這是2月1日。儘管我們致力於在這段時間內交付,我們更致力於確保這些更新導致您的設備甚至更好的體驗,因為這是更新的目的是這樣做。

05.We正在繼續努力推進提供棒棒堂的所有設備作為近90天痕越好,但我們正在採取一切預防措施,以確保部署是正確的,大家都不願意妥協,在你的費用。截至今天,我們已經推出了以谷歌播放,解鎖和的的HTC One(M8)開發者版本。我們通過測試過程中與我們的合作夥伴還在工作,希望能有好消息很快分享。我們承諾,讓你實時更新的附加設備接收我們的軟件更新頁面,@HTCUSA在Twitter上的更新。




09.@ MoVersi

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 樓主| goldchioua | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
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