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[分享] 更新到 Sense 5.5 OS-3.63.709.3 可以成功 S-OFF

[複製連結] 查看: 9243|回覆: 46|好評: 0
鬼伶仃 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-2-10 03:12
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brownsugar | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-3-16 15:49

我前天已經 unlocked + root,手機資料也都還原回去了

現在想要 s-off,s-off 後資料會不見嗎?


S-OFF是不會清除資料,解鎖才會清除資料。  發表於 2014-3-16 17:41
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dtk172002 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-5-9 23:07
本帖最後由 dtk172002 於 2014-5-9 23:10 編輯


==================== rumrunner S-OFF 0.5.0 ==============================

    rumrunner S-OFF comes with NO WARRANTY (express or implied)
    and NO GUARANTEE OF FITNESS for any particular task.
    We have made every effort we can to make this a safe process for users
    however the authors disclaim any liability for damage to your phone
    or other materials or devices used during this process.

    The entire risk of running rumrunner S-OFF lies with you, the user.
    By using this software you acknowledge and accept that the authors
    are not liable for any loss, material or otherwise howsoever caused.

Do you understand the implications of this warning?

Dear User: We will expect that YOU:
(1) Know how to use ADB and FASTBOOT binaries
---- [Yes, use these tools to test USB connection BEFORE running rumrunner] ----

(2) Realize that rumrunner S-OFF cannot support every CUSTOM rom in this world
(3) Understand that irc support IS NOT A GENERAL HELPDESK
(4) Are able to identify and download the CORRECT package for YOUR device
(5) Know how to enable USB-debugging on YOUR device  (Yes, do that now)
(6) Understand that you may NOT repack or redistribute rumrunner S-OFF

!! Do NOT for any reason taunt, unplug, drop, eat or pet your device !!
Please wait....
ERROR: run rumrunner again and READ (no adb connection to device.  Debugging on?
Press ENTER to exit
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 樓主| baby宏 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-5-10 00:25
rumrunner S-OFF 0.5.0 ==============================     rumrunner S-OFF不提供任何擔保(明示或暗示)     和適用性的任何特定任務難保。     我們已經盡了一切努力,我們可以使之成為一個安全的過程,為 ​​用戶     但作者聲明,對手機造成損害的任何責任     或其他材料或在此過程中使用的設備。     的全部風險運行rumrunner S-OFF在於你的用戶,     通過使用本軟件,您承認並同意,作者     不承擔任何損失,材料或以其他方式由何種原因引起。 你明白這個警告的含義? (是/否) 是 尊敬的用戶:我們將期待您: (1)了解如何使用亞行和FASTBOOT二進制文件 ---- [是,使用這些工具來測試USB連接運行rumrunner前] ---- (2)實現了rumrunner S -關不支持在這個世界上每一個定制ROM (3)明白IRC支持,這不是一般HELPDESK (4)能夠識別並下載正確的package為您的設備 (5)了解如何在您的設備啟用USB調試(是的,這樣做了) (6)了解,你可能不重新包裝或再分發rumrunner S-OFF 好? (是/否) 是的 !!不要以任何理由嘲諷,拔掉,滴,吃飯或PET您的設備 ,請稍候.... .......... 錯誤:再次運行rumrunner和READ(以設備沒有連接ADB調試上。 ?   驅動程序?), 按ENTER鍵退出
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sback | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-5-23 00:55
本帖最後由 sback 於 2014-5-23 07:47 編輯

嘗試好多次 確定個條件都達成

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dy07191122 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-6-1 12:16
我前陣子用刷機精靈 一鍵刷機
把我 NEW ONE 變成大陸版 系統
這樣要怎麼用 S-OFF
才能送回原廠 維修呢?
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winseed | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-8-28 10:23
殘念我的HBOOT 1.61無法使用...
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renetsang | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-9-2 16:03
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