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[Android] HTC 承認旗下手機存在安全漏洞已著手修復

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發表於 2011-10-5 14:55

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HTC 正式發表聲明,承認旗下 Android 手機存生安全漏洞,可導致用戶個人資料被竊取,並表示將盡快推出修復該漏洞的補丁程式。

安全研究人員表示,他們曾於9月24日告知 HTC,旗下部分智慧手機存在安全隱患,但由於 HTC 沒有作出即時回應,只好日前把此訊息公之於眾希望廠方正視。

HTC 在聲明中表示,他們正在努力修復這一漏洞,並強調 HTC 軟體本身不會危害用戶資料,但該漏洞可能為資料竊取大開方便之門。不過幸好迄今仍未接獲任何嘗試針對此漏洞展開攻擊之相關報告。預計相關的補丁程式只要進行短暫測試就可推送給用戶,在這段期間,HTC 強烈建議用戶不要下載、使用、安裝或更新來歷不明的軟體。

HTC takes claims related to the security of our products very seriously. In our ongoing investigation into this recent claim, we have concluded that while this HTC software itself does no harm to customers’ data, there is a vulnerability that could potentially be exploited by a malicious third-party application. A third party malware app exploiting this or any other vulnerability would potentially be acting in violation of civil and criminal laws. So far, we have not learned of any customers being affected in this way and would like to prevent it by making sure all customers are aware of this potential vulnerability.
HTC is working very diligently to quickly release a security update that will resolve the issue on affected devices. Following a short testing period by our carrier partners, the patch will be sent over-the-air to customers, who will be notified to download and install it. We urge all users to install the update promptly. During this time, as always, we strongly urge customers to use caution when downloading, using, installing and updating applications from untrusted sources.
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