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tag 標籤: 街舞


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cs槍聲街舞音樂 attachment Android 手機鈴聲 goodboy09052000 2012-3-10 0 456 goodboy09052000 2012-3-10 21:25
搞笑鈴聲-CS槍聲街舞音樂 attachment Android 手機鈴聲 love770220 2012-7-10 7 822 cano0730 2013-1-2 21:51
台北地下街「反毒街舞大賽」 時事新聞 游幃翔 2012-12-29 0 105 游幃翔 2012-12-29 19:06
豆花妹舞過頭 變巧克力豆花 時事新聞 nono37 2013-4-24 0 64 nono37 2013-4-24 18:27
Su-Preme MPA v1.3.7 已付費正式版 街舞嘻哈節拍器 attach_img Android 軟體下載 jajatonglover 2013-4-28 3 1267 a1212u 2015-2-28 21:16
繽紛!萬人色粉音樂趴 9月西子灣登場 時事新聞 nono37 2013-6-23 1 225 313226524 2013-8-15 11:49
前黑澀會美眉糖果火辣熱舞 小褲褲走光見客 時事新聞 nono37 2013-7-18 0 1001 nono37 2013-7-18 18:46
孫耀威Lara 為育幼院義演 時事新聞 nono37 2013-7-19 0 156 nono37 2013-7-19 18:34
青春專案忙煞警察伯伯 街舞微電影樣樣來 時事新聞 傻庭兒 2013-7-29 0 200 傻庭兒 2013-7-29 15:59
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新北街舞大賽 40萬獎金號召高手來挑戰 時事新聞 lcctno 2013-9-3 0 121 lcctno 2013-9-3 19:42
塗鴉、DJ、街舞...救回中輟生 時事新聞 nono37 2013-9-17 0 199 nono37 2013-9-17 09:06
新北工會行善團中秋派對 音樂治療八里病友 時事新聞 nono37 2013-9-19 0 109 nono37 2013-9-19 07:19
立委蔡錦隆促成 大甲夜市街舞熱賽周末 attach_img 時事新聞 lcctno 2013-9-30 0 161 lcctno 2013-9-30 22:00
史上最年輕 4歲女爭世界K-pop總冠軍 attach_img 時事新聞 lcctno 2013-10-4 0 107 lcctno 2013-10-4 10:18
看《BOTY世界Battle》技癢 敖犬尬舞磨破膝蓋見紅 時事新聞 nono37 2013-10-6 0 252 nono37 2013-10-6 17:21


分享 藝陣街舞 Folk Art Street Dance(F.A.S.D)
dance011517 2019-2-19 00:32
official website : http://loongz.tw/ 各種藝陣不只保存傳統民族文化的精神,也呈現本土的風貌, 「藝陣街舞」大膽地更改藝陣文化既有的形式,將其現代化, 將東方傳統文化融合西方潮流文化, 融合藝陣的步伐、街舞、武術、雅樂舞等動態元素, 不僅能推廣、發揚,並開創本土藝陣文化新風貌, 更能去蕪存菁地保留傳統信仰的價值。 各地文化傳承相繼面臨阻礙,但透過「藝陣街舞」創新推廣, 在由各藝陣文化協力單位將技藝、意涵與背景加以傳承,來延續至新世代。 ※藝陣包涵「藝閣」與「陣頭」兩大類 「藝閣」乃由真人或偶人坐在其上扮演各種民間故事。 「陣頭」多具備武術、音樂、歌舞、戲劇或隊形等動態技藝。 Folk Arts not just preserves the spirit of nationality, also showing different faces of the traditional arts derived from local culture in this area. "Folk Arts street dance" is based on certain elements of Folk Arts and combining both the tradition and pop culture to create a brand new style with street dance, martial arts and the steps of traditional folk arts. For preserving the Folk Arts including the skills, meaning and history, we would make connection with organizations from different places and pass on it completely to the next generation. We are aimed to pass on the traditional culture via F.A.S.D., a more modern form with folk arts inside the choreography, and more easy to be accepted by new generation; it would not just preserve the value of local tradition and belief, but also make a trend to catch more attention for promoting widely. ※Folk Arts is consisted by the 「Yi-Ge 」 and 「Din-Tao」 「Yi-Ge 」 is telling the folktales by acting drama through puppet or actors with traditional costume on the stage. 「Din-Tao 」 is presenting by different skills includes martial arts, dance, drama and arrays showing specific meanings during the folk festivals and patrol on the street.
個人分類: 藝陣街舞 Folk Art Street Dance|291 次閱讀|0 個評論