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安卓白牌軍☆CamCard - Business Card Reader v6.8.0.20160606 名片全能王
軟體語言】 繁體 其他
【軟體名稱】 CamCard - Business Card Reader
【版本資訊】 v6.8.0.20160606
【軟體大小】 39.1MB
【更新日期】 2016-06-06
【使用權限】 付費版
【系統支援】 因裝置而異
* “全球頂尖開發商”——Google
* “名片全能王無疑是所有名片識別軟體的佼佼者”—紐約時報
* “絕佳地代表了智慧
* “瞬間保存銷售線索,銷售人員必備軟體”—Inc.com
* “一堆名片一下子就全進了手機,用起來就是這麼簡單”—CBS
- 手機拍名片,1秒鐘識別名片,客戶資訊隨身帶
- 電子名片,隨時交換不限量,忘帶名片也不怕
- 人脈推薦、名片雷達,帶你結識潛力客戶
- 和客戶聊天發圖片,商務社交就用名片全能王,公私分明
- 名片更新提醒,朋友升職換工作,第一時間祝賀TA
- 人脈地圖,幫你智慧規劃拜訪路線
- 識別17種語言,智慧管理全球的客戶
CC cards - cards allow " live"
Business card business card is no longer cold , but a living person ! Company , title, phone updated in real time , customers kept informed of developments.
The card is no longer a simple business card , but the company information, products and services, demand , aggregate personal experience
Enterprise Search - not only cattle, but also free business services
If you do not know , where you can search for free nationwide 75 million + business , you"re too out !
But you may not know , where you can also search for products and search services , search corporate , brand search , search ...... and most importantly, business can be handed directly to your card Oh !
In addition, you can also open a corporate member, instantly enjoy : Custom home business , plus V icon , and exhibition priority privilege !
如版友有安裝Dr.Web Security Space Life防毒軟體 會出現誤報警訊 請版友自行斟酌
CamCard - Business Card Reader v6.8.0.20160606.apk
(39.13 MB, 下載次數: 225, 售價: 1 個碎鑽)