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[資訊] Ultimate Clicker [手遊點擊器] 任何遊戲都適用 (完全免費) 附上薑餅人王國腳本當範例

[複製連結] 查看: 7943|回覆: 10|好評: 0
nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2021-3-22 04:13

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本帖最後由 nt_studio 於 2021-3-22 12:22 編輯


Ultimate Clicker Google Play Store 下載



薑餅人王國自動生產腳本如下,請直接當純文字匯入 (匯入匯出可以參考教學影片)

Actions 0,3,6,9,12,15,18.. 請放置在你要升級的建築物上
Actions 1,4,7,10,13,16.. 請放置在你要生產的物件上通常為第一樣(效率最高)




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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-3-22 12:10
本帖最後由 nt_studio 於 2021-3-22 12:15 編輯


更新圖片 (薑餅人王國自動生產)


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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-4-2 23:57
Version 1.3.10 released

Thank you for using Ultimate Clicker.
Here"s what you need to know about the update.

- New Feature - Advanced action editor feature (BETA)

- UI/UX enhancements
1. Prevent back button from closing the app
2. Be able to press back button to switch to main tab from settings tab
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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-4-8 11:17
Version 1.3.11 released

Thank you for using Ultimate Clicker.
Here"s what you need to know about the update.

- New Feature - Advanced action editor feature (BETA)

- Enhancements
1. Optimised import configurations feature
2. Added warning messages for too many actions scenarios
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-4-19 00:48
Version 1.3.12 released

Thank you for using Ultimate Clicker.
Here"s what you need to know about the update.

- New Feature - Advanced action editor feature (BETA)

- Enhancements
1. Fixed stop running could skip the last action
2. Optimised export config
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ofuocko | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-5-3 20:11
請問大大用模擬器自帶腳本 被鎖的機率大概多少?
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-5-4 09:45
ofuocko 發表於 2021-5-3 20:11
請問大大用模擬器自帶腳本 被鎖的機率大概多少?

用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-5-7 05:23
Version 1.3.13 released

Thank you for using Ultimate Clicker.
Here"s what you need to know about the update.

- New Feature - Advanced action editor feature (BETA)

- Enhancements
1. added Android 11 support
2. UX - clear selected actions after deleting

- Bug fix
1. fixed crash issue
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-5-13 07:21

Version 1.3.14 released

Thank you for using Ultimate Clicker.
Here"s what you need to know about the update.

- New Feature (BETA) - Advanced action editor feature

- New Feature - Advanced Settings
1. added Customised delay mappings for "SLOW NORMAL FAST"

- Enhancements
1. added Group and Find highlighting styles
2. improved grouping actions performance
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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 樓主| nt_studio | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2021-5-25 04:49
Version 1.3.16 released

Thank you for using Ultimate Clicker.
Here"s what you need to know about the update.

- New Feature (BETA) - Advanced action editor feature

- New Feature - Advanced Settings

- Enhancements
1. added Running mode by configurations ( click edit button to overwrite )
2. changed Enhance Interference Mode to false by default
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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