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[其他] CyanogenMod for the Nexus 7 (LTE, 2013 version) 打電話功能有啟動嗎!

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bc76543210 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2014-1-27 16:31

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CyanogenMod for the Nexus 7 (LTE, 2013 version)
cm-11-20140126-NIGHTLY-deb.zip           208.17 MB        2014-01-26 01:27:28
以下是所有更新的內容!!!      下面有google 翻譯   不知道有網友測試過   可打電話 嗎  很期待!!
Since Sat Jan 25 08:23:55 UTC 2014
   * external/bluetooth/bluedroid
7062c3d Revert "Bluetooth: Handle sub system restart gracefully"
   * hardware/qcom/media-caf
94c4e70 mm-video: vdec: Use GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_ADSP_HEAP
b0d6260 mm-video: venc: Don"t align chroma on legacy msm7x30 devices
   * packages/apps/Apollo
b56caf1 Revert "Apollo: CA translations"
dcbc054 Apollo: CA translations
   * packages/apps/LockClock
73f951e LockClock: Workaround for OpenWeatherMap temperature craziness
76e9afc LockClock: ES translations
   * packages/apps/Settings
d8e23ee Merge "Bluetooth:GAP: Handle exception while unregistering the Receiver" into cm-11.0
ce537f5 Bluetooth:GAP: Handle exception while unregistering the Receiver
52f48a7 Revert "Settings: CA translations"
2fa7bd7 Settings: CA translations
Since Fri Jan 24 08:21:04 UTC 2014
   * external/koush/Superuser
dd7824a Superuser: add copyright notice
   * external/whispersystems/TextSecure
98befbf TextSecure: correct copyright notices
   * external/whispersystems/WhisperPush
7c4e44a WhisperPush: add copyright notice
   * frameworks/base
dd439e8 Merge "Set Settings.Global.WIFI_SCAN_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE default value" into cm-11.0
1e4b598 Merge "MediaFocusControl: Deny audio focus if notification stream is 0" into cm-11.0
b45bb86 base: correct copyright notices
5b4b3db Merge "base: LT translations" into cm-11.0
3b77194 Merge "Keyguard: RU translation" into cm-11.0
73348e3 Merge "base: EL translations" into cm-11.0
f81192d Merge "SystemUI: AF Translations" into cm-11.0
21040e5 base: LT translations
df3a4fd Keyguard: RU translation
   * frameworks/opt/telephony
9d522d0 Voice+, Whisperpush: Need to send SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION for all apps.
   * frameworks/support
be0afe2 Add Android studio files for support libraries.
   * packages/apps/Apollo
e22217a Apollo: correct copyright notices
7b2f51f Apollo: LT translations
   * packages/apps/Bluetooth
9de8e90 Merge "Bluetooth: LT translations" into cm-11.0
7d55ef1 Bluetooth: LT translations
   * packages/apps/BluetoothExt
6f76215 Merge "BluetoothExt: LT translations" into cm-11.0
303eb07 BluetoothExt: LT translations
   * packages/apps/Browser
cd51201 Browser: correct copyright notices
9326b26 Browser: LT translations
   * packages/apps/CMUpdater
6027052 CMUpdater: LT translations
   * packages/apps/Camera2
d3868c7 Merge "Camera2: Make some strings translatable again" into cm-11.0
b48a748 Merge "Camera: HU translation" into cm-11.0
55332a0 Merge "Camera2: NL translations" into cm-11.0
de7731f Merge "Camera2: RU translation" into cm-11.0
ac3cff0 Merge "Camera2: ES translations" into cm-11.0
a88117e Camera2: Make some strings translatable again
   * packages/apps/DSPManager
bea67f0 DSPManager: LT translations
   * packages/apps/DeskClock
c3f61f1 Merge "DeskClock: EL translations" into cm-11.0
   * packages/apps/Dialer
b75a287 Merge "Dialer: EL translations" into cm-11.0
3cac00e Merge "Dialer: IW translations" into cm-11.0
   * packages/apps/Email
affc776 Merge "Email: EL translations" into cm-11.0
   * packages/apps/Gallery2
b8c7055 Merge "Gallery2: EL translations" into cm-11.0
   * packages/apps/InCallUI
7d082e9 Merge "InCallUI: IW translations" into cm-11.0
9d1de03 Merge "InCallUI: CA translations" into cm-11.0
a2b3ebf Merge "InCallUI: HU translation" into cm-11.0
6733a20 Merge "InCallUI: EL translations" into cm-11.0
5ca64ea Merge "InCallUI: CS translation" into cm-11.0
8c6369b Merge "InCallUI: ES translations" into cm-11.0
ecc571b Merge "InCallUI: IT translations" into cm-11.0
5d21791 InCallUI: CA translations
01a09fb InCallUI: HU translation
   * packages/apps/LockClock
517c72d Merge "LockClock: LT translations" into cm-11.0
c3d011f LockClock: LT translations
   * packages/apps/Mms
4d0ec39 Merge "Mms: RU translation" into cm-11.0
adda245 Merge "Mms: HU translation" into cm-11.0
2b01e59 Merge "Mms: EL translations" into cm-11.0
921b57a Merge "Mms: IT translations" into cm-11.0
563851a Merge "Mms: ES translations" into cm-11.0
df0c255 Mms: RU translation
b5c6147 Mms: HU translation
   * packages/apps/Settings
cb3a29c Merge "Settings: ES translations" into cm-11.0
5b3571e Merge "Settings: RU translation" into cm-11.0
042e0be Merge "Settings: HU translation" into cm-11.0
6d163c9 Merge "Settings: NL translation" into cm-11.0
9a1dea3 Merge "Settings: CS translation" into cm-11.0
bd3da50 Merge "Settings: IT translations" into cm-11.0
14b356e Merge "Settings: AF Translations" into cm-11.0
4b7b8ed Settings: ES translations
29373c2 Settings: RU translation
36913e0 Settings: HU translation
   * packages/services/Telephony
b5d7507 Merge "Telephony: LT translations" into cm-11.0
3edbc0c Merge "Telephony: HU translation" into cm-11.0
13652ff Merge "Telephony: RU translation" into cm-11.0
30e2ece Merge "Telephony: IT translations" into cm-11.0
e0ee3cd Telephony: LT translations
fa6785c Telephony: HU translation
   * packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam
60243f8 PhaseBeam: correct copyright notice
33b4645 PhaseBeam: CS translation
   * vendor/cm
ac948f5 cm versioning: fix certificate check
Since Thu Jan 23 08:19:48 UTC 2014
   * build
038b7b4 Merge "Store the value from TARGET_OTA_ASSERT_DEVICE to a file" into cm-11.0
   * external/koush/Superuser
d60d6aa Superuser: LT translations
   * external/whispersystems/TextSecure
8e3c73e Merge "TextSecure: Hungarian translations" into cm-11.0
   * frameworks/base
4a950c5 base: EL translations
87ec462 Merge "FrameworkBase/KeyGuard: CS translation" into cm-11.0
1a19c93 Merge "Keyguard: HU translation" into cm-11.0
a7e07d2 Initialize pointer members to NULL to avoid illegal reference
0b294a7 Merge "[2/2] Framework: instant led test" into cm-11.0
   * hardware/qcom/media
c53dbe4 mm-video: venc: Distinguish between normal NV12 and aligned NV12
797e73d libc2dcolorconvert: Add compatibility with older libc2d
   * packages/apps/Bluetooth
4cf9102 Bluetooth: EL translations
   * packages/apps/Browser
8e7b2cd Show a startup page in incognito mode
1454226 Implement client-side incognito mode
cced0d1 Revert "Browser: disable incognito mode"
   * packages/apps/CMUpdater
264bb7e Merge "CMUpdater: Update IW translation" into cm-11.0

   * packages/apps/Camera2
d1ab214 Camera: HU translation
f225988 Camera2: RU translation
   * packages/apps/DeskClock
69f0eb4 DeskClock: IW translations
b5bf0ad DeskClock: EL translations
   * packages/apps/Dialer
4e8e333 Dialer: EL translations
   * packages/apps/Email
3de6b6b Email: EL translations
   * packages/apps/Gallery2
e35b244 Merge "Gallery2: AF Translations" into cm-11.0
6ec63ff Merge "Gallery2: IT translations" into cm-11.0
03562c6 Merge "Gallery2: CS translation" into cm-11.0
2e394f0 Gallery2: EL translations
  * packages/apps/InCallUI
29c2a2d InCallUI: EL translations
460b787 InCallUI: IW translations
425f366 InCallUI: CS translation
8e3ca2d InCallUI: LT translations
   * packages/apps/LockClock
2526b2e LockClock: CA translations
   * packages/apps/Mms
f3380a1 Merge "Mms: AF Translations" into cm-11.0
b06f9eb Merge "Mms: CS translation" into cm-11.0
8af3776 Merge "Mms: LT translations" into cm-11.0
aa630ec Mms: EL translations
42a5409 Mms: Update IW translations
bb75125 Mms: LT translations
bed7b18 Mms: CS translation
2a4b5bb Merge "Mms: Update DE translation" into cm-11.0
   * packages/apps/Settings
e66c99e Settings: CS translation
6f401c5 Merge "Settings: Update IW translations" into cm-11.0
da4e4f4 Settings: CS translation
261986a Settings: CA translations
e0632ea Merge "Settings: HU translation" into cm-11.0
87e09dc Settings: Update IW translations
e0bb8db Settings: IT translations
e7b1615 Settings: NL translation
c81c5ca Merge "[1/2] Settings: instant led test" into cm-11.0
   * packages/apps/Torch
79147da Torch: LT translations
   * packages/providers/DownloadProvider
98deeec DownloadProvider: CS translation
   * packages/services/Telephony
9b3f7bd Telephony: RU translation
782a3c7 Merge "Telephony: ES translations" into cm-11.0
7f61cb7 Merge "Telephony: NL translation" into cm-11.0
f66169f Merge "Telephony: CS translation" into cm-11.0
5a07cb5 Merge "Telephony: CA translations" into cm-11.0
3d30495 Telephony: CS translation
d3360c9 Telephony: IT translations
f4ca0ac Telephony: NL translation
2c43c8f Telephony: ES translations
   * system/core
edb2c0b Merge "restorecon /data/misc/media." into cm-11.0
Since Tue Jan 21 07:55:28 UTC 2014
   * android
fd42a60 Revert "manifest: Trebuchet"
9a47f55 manifest: Trebuchet
   * bootable/recovery
12de713 6047
d70c1f3 Fix up bu restore.
   * build
85ed89f Store the value from TARGET_OTA_ASSERT_DEVICE to a file
ef8eae2 Merge "RepoPick : Add support for git pull" into cm-11.0
   * external/bluetooth/bluedroid
528c57d Revert "Bluetooth: Move to proper state."
b54b8b1 Fix compile without Bluetooth LE stack included
f65bb9c Merge branch "kk_rb1.7" of git://codeaurora.org/platform/external/bluetooth/bluedroid into cm-11.0
   * external/whispersystems/TextSecure
cb4040f TextSecure: EL translations
   * external/wpa_supplicant_8
5bd28b5 Revert "p2p: Add p2p_no_group_iface flag to p2p conf file"
   * frameworks/base
ed21ef6 Notification : Fix app info long-press
61e174c Merge "Fix one and hide the other warnings from core/jni" into cm-11.0
abc20ce Fix one and hide the other warnings from core/jni
fe1f3b8 Merge "core: added national roaming info for Spring Mobil in Sweden..." into cm-11.0
cc35208 Merge "core: Added national roaming info for Jazztel Movil in Spain" into cm-11.0
e507396 Merge "KeyGuard: PT-BR Translations" into cm-11.0
930df7a SystemUI: AF Translations
b840c05 Keyguard: Set WIDGET_CATEGORY_KEYGUARD when AppWidgetHostView is created
39fe476 MediaFocusControl: Deny audio focus if notification stream is 0
470406d Bluetooth: Fix PXP LPP app link loss reconnection
6e9a8c7 Bluetooth: Validate input parameters of gatt characteristics
c44187c Increases Gatt connection timeout value to be 30 secs
72283a3 Bluetooth: HID-C: Add support for error parameter for reportError
2a4c5f6 wlan: Do not disable the network on Assoc Reject/Authentication Failure.
0e37527 Merge "Allow changing screen-off animation (1/2)" into cm-11.0
4ff2dbe Fix visibility of multiple non-fullscreen activities.
333ca5d Keydispatching timeout while finish Activity
0234f2d Cursor leakage due to cancellation signal
f5a38c7 Re-initialize error after attach
e96b2a4 Make SurfaceView layers captured by screenshotApplications()
92db0b8 Fix a variety of small publicly-reported bugs.
90ae5da MountService listeners can not be unregistered
2a10212 Bluetooth: Fix to avoid framework reboot during monkey.
a010aef Bluetooth: Cleaning up sap service object to avoid serviceRecord leaks
e0a00d8 OBEX: Reduce Obex MTU size for A2DP or SCO concurrency
ecdd8b2 Bluetooth: Changes for LPP and extended LE scan
80dfb5e Bluetooth: HID: Add support for HID Device Role
551892d Merge "Keyguard: let the user drag the challenge down if widgets are disabled" into cm-11.0
0c5cfe8 Merge "Keyguard: fix not shown overlay widgets from system" into cm-11.0
367dc1e Merge "Keyguard: do not allow to delete the system widget if widgets are disabled" into cm-11.0
f82cb86 Merge "Fix to NullPointerException on move back in ActivityStack." into cm-11.0

   * frameworks/opt/hardware
b240ab8 Add tap-to-wake class definition

   * hardware/libhardware
3c4507f Bluetooth: Added API to get Remote Supported feature
7babc7e Bluetooth: HID-C: Add error code parameter in report_error

   * hardware/qcom/audio-caf
9ece3c8 audio: msm8660: Use msm_ion header

   * packages/apps/Apollo
3ba7d66 Apollo: EL translations

   * packages/apps/Bluetooth
b85ae8e Merge "BluetoothPbapVcardComposer: remove pause/wait translation" into cm-11.0
1872dee Merge branch "kk_rb1.7" of git://codeaurora.org/platform/packages/apps/Bluetooth into cm-11.0
8c0c4aa Merge branch "kitkat" of git://codeaurora.org/platform/packages/apps/Bluetooth into cm-11.0
a0863f5 BluetoothPbapVcardComposer: remove pause/wait translation

   * packages/apps/BluetoothExt
200976b BluetoothExt: RU translation
094baa1 Merge branch "kk_rb1.7" of git://codeaurora.org/platform/vendor/qcom-opensource/bluetooth into cm-11.0

   * packages/apps/CMAccount
ca24b06 CMAccount: LT translations

   * packages/apps/CMFileManager
e255301 CMFileManager: LT translations

   * packages/apps/Calculator
136fe14 Calculator: LT translations

   * packages/apps/Camera2
d2db5ae Camera2: NL translations
fa8ea14 Camera2: AF Translations
e34037c Camera2: ES translations
8bf50c1 Merge "Camera2: Improve qcom strings" into cm-11.0

   * packages/apps/Dialer
bdefbf8 Dialer: IW translations

   * packages/apps/Email
d6b785a Email: CS translation

   * packages/apps/Gallery2
665e75b Gallery2: AF Translations
2ad72d2 Gallery2: CS translation

   * packages/apps/InCallUI
eb83253 InCallUI: ES translations
fbcc7df InCallUI: IT translations
ef3b1a0 InCallUI: NL translation
18c5106 InCallUI: Port "Add to blacklist" support to in-call ui (1 of 2)

   * packages/apps/Launcher3
588c2e4 Launcher3: CS translation

   * packages/apps/LockClock
272bc66 Merge "LockClock: IW translations" into cm-11.0
068574e LockClock: IW translations
b831451 cLock: Remove untranslatable strings
0636a52 LockClock: CS translation

   * packages/apps/Mms
0a05b85 Merge "Mms: PT-BR Translations" into cm-11.0
d3e833b Mms: AF Translations
55b0a20 Mms: ES translations
f96d1cb Mms: NL translation
8f34fdf Mms: Update DE translation
6947eaf Mms: IT translations
0edfc8a Mms: mark vibration pattern array as untranslatable
9507928 Mms: Port custom notification vibrations

   * packages/apps/Settings
c7f72b1 Settings: AF Translations
3443a0c Bluetooth: Validate the device for A2dpSink
ca32cf9 Bluetooth: A2dp: Add A2dp Source UUID
6c416d4 Bluetooth: disable scan icon when BT state is off
236b41f Allow changing screen-off animation (2/2)
3e2ce05 DisplaySettings: Add hardware-framework support for tap-to-wake
30f231a Merge "Settings: ES translations" into cm-11.0
f5b1f98 Merge "Lockscreen shortcuts: Fix icon pack usage" into cm-11.0
fb0f278 [1/2] Settings: instant led test

   * packages/apps/VoicePlus
b529c12 VoicePlus: LT translations

   * packages/services/Telephony
057b7aa Merge "Telephony: implement noise suppression for phone calls (2/2)" into cm-11.0
e2ed892 Telephony: Port "Add to blacklist" support to in-call ui (2 of 2)

   * system/core
b73075d restorecon /data/misc/media.
e1473e4 Fix "adb push /sdcard/filename"
1a16228 Revert "adb: do not chown/chmod files pushed to sdcard"

   * vendor/cm
ff73189 Merge "cm: Update Kindle Fire 1st-gen maintainer" into cm-11.0
e35a25e Adjusting the Danish APNs
2d89f8b cm: Update Kindle Fire 1st-gen maintainer

Since Mon Jan 20 08:29:43 UTC 2014

   * external/bluetooth/bluedroid
56bba71 Remove BT_CLEAN_TURN_ON_DISABLED flag

   * frameworks/base
78adbbf FrameworkBase/KeyGuard: CS translation
61d68f9 Keyguard: do not allow to delete the system widget if widgets are disabled
2142c2c Fix error checking in MemoryFile.
5b36ce1 Fix to NullPointerException on move back in ActivityStack.
32e69d4 Merge "Quiet Hours: Allow disabling phone ringer (1/3)" into cm-11.0
ca5f8cb Fixed incorrect calculation of dirty invalidation area
97e19ba Quiet Hours: Allow disabling phone ringer (1/3)

   * frameworks/opt/telephony
5614186 Telephony: Fix incorrect status display on UI in airplane mode

   * hardware/qcom/audio
70390c9 Merge "audio: ifdef usb audio feature" into cm-11.0
c414bef hal: Add DYNAMIC_VOLUME_MIXER ifdef for AOSP compatibility

   * packages/apps/CMUpdater
2d5eb0e UpdateCheck: Include the calling incremental on all listing requests

   * packages/apps/Camera2
3c0af9d camera: Bring back ignorePreferredPreviewSizeForVideo

   * packages/apps/Dialer
8930b7a Dialer: CS translation
a51bce6 Merge "Keep InCallUI in memory (2/3)" into cm-11.0

   * packages/apps/InCallUI
8f2c931 InCallUI: Fix build error
e33bbe0 Merge "Keep InCallUI in memory (1/3)" into cm-11.0

   * packages/apps/Settings
79fab03 Merge "Settings: DE translation for new quiet hours ringer settings" into cm-11.0
563591b Merge "Settings: remove unused Quiet Hours string from translations" into cm-11.0
38d2972 Merge "Settings: Add some more entries into "SMS message limit" menu" into cm-11.0
691ac27 Settings: remove unused Quiet Hours string from translations
c7783c7 Settings: DE translation for new quiet hours ringer settings

   * system/core
4671c76 restorecon_recursive("/sys") speed boot time

   * vendor/cm
e450046 Add Call me APNs (Denmark)

   * vendor/tmobile/apps/ThemeChooser
c164eee ThemeChooser: Update DE translation

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 樓主| bc76543210 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-1-27 16:32
google   翻譯的  請見諒!!
由於週六1月25日8點23分55秒UTC 2014

   *外部/藍牙/ bluedroid

   *硬件/ QCOM /媒體CAF
b0d6260毫米視頻: VENC :不要使色度上遺留msm7x30設備

b56caf1還原“阿波羅: CA翻譯”
dcbc054阿波羅: CA翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ LockClock
73f951e LockClock :解決方法為OpenWeatherMap溫度瘋狂
76e9afc LockClock : ES翻譯

d8e23ee合併“藍牙: GAP :同時取消註冊接收處理異常”成CM- 11.0
ce537f5藍牙: GAP :註銷時的接收處理異常
52f48a7還原“設置: CA翻譯”
2fa7bd7設置: CA翻譯

由於週五1月24日8時21分04秒UTC 2014

   *外部/ koush /超級用戶

   *外部/ whispersystems / TextSecure
98befbf TextSecure :正確的版權聲明

   *外部/ whispersystems / WhisperPush
7c4e44a WhisperPush :添加版權聲明

dd439e8合併“設置Settings.Global.WIFI_SCAN_ALWAYS_AVAILABLE默認值”為厘米, 11.0
1e4b598合併“ MediaFocusControl :拒絕音頻焦點,如果通知流為0 ”到厘米 - 11.0
5b4b3db合併“基地:長線翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
3b77194合併“鍵盤鎖: RU翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
73348e3合併“基地: EL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
f81192d合併“ SystemUI : AF翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
21040e5基地: LT翻譯
df3a4fd鍵盤鎖: RU翻譯

   *框架的/ opt /電話
9d522d0語音+ , Whisperpush :需要發送SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION為所有的應用程序。


7b2f51f阿波羅: LT翻譯

9de8e90合併“藍牙:長線翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
7d55ef1藍牙: LT翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ BluetoothExt
6f76215合併“ BluetoothExt :長線翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
303eb07 BluetoothExt : LT翻譯

9326b26瀏覽器: LT翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ CMUpdater
6027052 CMUpdater : LT翻譯

   * packages/apps/Camera2
d3868c7合併“攝像機2 :請一些字符串再翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
b48a748合併“相機:胡譯”成厘米 - 11.0
55332a0合併“攝像機2 : NL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
de7731f合併“攝像機2 : RU翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
ac3cff0合併“攝像機2 :胚胎幹翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
a88117e攝像機2 :請一些字符串再次可翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ DSPManager
bea67f0 DSPManager : LT翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ DeskClock
c3f61f1合併“ DeskClock : EL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0

b75a287合併“撥號器: EL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
3cac00e合併“撥號器: IW翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0

affc776合併“電郵: EL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0

   * packages/apps/Gallery2
b8c7055合併“庫2 : EL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0

   *封裝/應用程序/ InCallUI
7d082e9合併“ InCallUI : IW翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
9d1de03合併“ InCallUI : CA翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
a2b3ebf合併“ InCallUI :胡譯”成厘米 - 11.0
6733a20合併“ InCallUI : EL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
5ca64ea合併“ InCallUI :CS翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
8c6369b合併“ InCallUI : ES翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
ecc571b合併“ InCallUI :科技翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
5d21791 InCallUI : CA翻譯
01a09fb InCallUI :胡翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ LockClock
517c72d合併“ LockClock :長線翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
c3d011f LockClock : LT翻譯

4d0ec39合併“彩信: RU翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
adda245合併“彩信:胡譯”成厘米 - 11.0
2b01e59合併“彩信: EL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
921b57a合併“彩信:科技翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
563851a合併“彩信: ES翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
df0c255彩信: RU翻譯

cb3a29c合併“設置: ES翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
5b3571e合併“設置: RU翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
042e0be合併“設置:胡譯”成厘米 - 11.0
6d163c9合併“設置: NL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
9a1dea3合併“設置:CS翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
bd3da50合併“設置: IT翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
14b356e合併“設置:自動對焦翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
4b7b8ed設置: ES翻譯
29373c2設置: RU翻譯

b5d7507合併“電話:長線翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
3edbc0c合併“的電話:胡譯”成厘米 - 11.0
13652ff合併“電話: RU翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
30e2ece合併“電話: IT翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
e0ee3cd電話: LT翻譯

   *包/壁紙/ PhaseBeam
60243f8 PhaseBeam :正確的版權聲明
33b4645 PhaseBeam : CS翻譯


由於週四1月23日08:19:48 UTC 2014

038b7b4合併“從TARGET_OTA_ASSERT_DEVICE存儲值到一個文件”到厘米, 11.0

   *外部/ koush /超級用戶
d60d6aa超級用戶: LT翻譯

   *外部/ whispersystems / TextSecure
8e3c73e合併“ TextSecure :匈牙利語翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0

4a950c5基地: EL翻譯
87ec462合併“ FrameworkBase /鍵盤鎖: CS翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
1a19c93合併“鍵盤鎖:胡譯”成厘米 - 11.0
0b294a7合併“ [ 2/2]框架:即時led測試”到厘米, 11.0

   *硬件/ QCOM /媒體
c53dbe4毫米視頻: VENC :正常NV12和NV12對準區分
797e73d libc2dcolorconvert :加入與舊libc2d兼容性

4cf9102藍牙: EL翻譯


   *封裝/應用程序/ CMUpdater
264bb7e合併“ CMUpdater :更新IW翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0

   * packages/apps/Camera2
f225988攝像機2 : RU翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ DeskClock
69f0eb4 DeskClock : IW翻譯
b5bf0ad DeskClock : EL翻譯

4e8e333撥號器: EL翻譯

3de6b6b電子郵件: EL翻譯

   * packages/apps/Gallery2
e35b244合併“庫2 :自動對焦翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
6ec63ff合併“庫2 :科技翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
03562c6合併“庫2 :CS翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
2e394f0庫2 : EL翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ InCallUI
29c2a2d InCallUI : EL翻譯
460b787 InCallUI : IW翻譯
425f366 InCallUI : CS翻譯
8e3ca2d InCallUI : LT翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ LockClock
2526b2e LockClock : CA翻譯

f3380a1合併“彩信: AF翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
b06f9eb合併“彩信: CS翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
8af3776合併“彩信: LT翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
aa630ec彩信: EL翻譯
bb75125彩信: LT翻譯
bed7b18彩信: CS翻譯
2a4b5bb合併“彩信:更新DE翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0

e66c99e設置: CS翻譯
6f401c5合併“設置:更新IW翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
da4e4f4設置: CS翻譯
261986a設置: CA翻譯
e0632ea合併“設置:胡譯”成厘米 - 11.0
e0bb8db設置: IT翻譯
e7b1615設置: NL翻譯
c81c5ca合併“ [ 1/2]設置:即時led測試”到厘米, 11.0

79147da手電筒: LT翻譯

   *封裝/供應商/ DownloadProvider
98deeec DownloadProvider : CS翻譯

9b3f7bd電話: RU翻譯
782a3c7合併“電話: ES翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
7f61cb7合併“電話: NL翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
f66169f合併“電話:CS翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
5a07cb5合併“電話: CA翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
3d30495電話: CS翻譯
d3360c9電話: IT翻譯
f4ca0ac電話: NL翻譯
2c43c8f電話: ES翻譯

edb2c0b合併“的restorecon /數據/雜項/媒體。 ”到厘米, 11.0

由於週二1月21日7時55分28秒UTC 2014


12de713 6047

ef8eae2合併“ RepoPick :添加為git pull命令支持”入厘米, 11.0

   *外部/藍牙/ bluedroid
528c57d還原“藍牙:移動到正確的狀態。 ”
f65bb9c合併的git的分支" kk_rb1.7 " :/ / codeaurora.org /平台/外部/藍牙/ bluedroid到厘米, 11.0

   *外部/ whispersystems / TextSecure
cb4040f TextSecure : EL翻譯

   * external/wpa_supplicant_8
5bd28b5還原“P2P :添加p2p_no_group_iface標誌,以p2p的conf文件”

61e174c合併“修復一個,隱藏核心/ JNI的其他警告, ”進入厘米, 11.0
abc20ce修復一個,隱藏核心/ JNI的其他警告
fe1f3b8合併“的核心:增加了全國漫遊春美孚在瑞典信息... ”到厘米, 11.0
cc35208合併“的核心:為JAZZTEL Movil的西班牙加入全國漫遊信息”進入厘米, 11.0
e507396合併“鍵盤鎖: PT- BR翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
930df7a SystemUI : AF翻譯
39fe476 MediaFocusControl :拒絕音頻焦點,如果通知流為0
470406d藍牙:修復PXP LPP應用的鏈路損耗的重新連接
72283a3藍牙: HID - C:放入錯誤的參數支持reportError的
2a4c5f6 WLAN :不要禁用網絡上副教授拒絕/驗證失敗。
0e37527合併“允許改變關屏動畫( 1/2 ) ”成CM- 11.0
333ca5d Keydispatching超時而結束活動
e96b2a4請按screenshotApplications捕獲的SurfaceView層( )
90ae5da MountService聽眾不能被註銷
e0a00d8 OBEX :減少了Obex MTU大小支持A2DP或SCO並發
80dfb5e藍牙: HID :添加為HID設備支持的角色
551892d合併“鍵盤鎖:讓用戶拖動的挑戰下,如果部件被禁用”成厘米 - 11.0
0c5cfe8合併“鍵盤鎖:修復未顯示覆蓋部件與系統”進入厘米, 11.0
367dc1e合併“鍵盤鎖:不允許刪除系統部件,如果部件被禁用”成厘米 - 11.0
f82cb86合併“修正了NullPointerException異常的舉動早在ActivityStack 。 ”到厘米, 11.0

   *框架的/ opt /硬件

   *硬件/ libhardware
7babc7e藍牙: HID -C :加在的Report_Error錯誤代碼參數

   *硬件/ QCOM /音頻咖啡館
9ece3c8音頻: MSM8660 :使用msm_ion頭

3ba7d66阿波羅: EL翻譯

b85ae8e合併“ BluetoothPbapVcardComposer :刪除暫停/等待翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
1872dee合併的git :/ / codeaurora.org /平台/封裝/應用程序/藍牙分支" kk_rb1.7 "到厘米, 11.0
8c0c4aa合併的git :/ / codeaurora.org /平台/封裝/應用程序/藍牙分支"奇巧"到厘米, 11.0
a0863f5 BluetoothPbapVcardComposer :刪除暫停/等待翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ BluetoothExt
200976b BluetoothExt : RU翻譯
094baa1合併的git :/ / codeaurora.org /平台/供應商/ QCOM -開源/藍牙分支" kk_rb1.7 "到厘米, 11.0

   *封裝/應用程序/ CMAccount
ca24b06 CMAccount : LT翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ CMFileManager
e255301 CMFileManager : LT翻譯

136fe14計算器: LT翻譯

   * packages/apps/Camera2
d2db5ae攝像機2 : NL翻譯
fa8ea14攝像機2 :自動對焦翻譯
e34037c攝像機2 : ES翻譯
8bf50c1合併“攝像機2 :提高QCOM串”成CM- 11.0

bdefbf8撥號: IW翻譯

d6b785a電子郵件: CS翻譯

   * packages/apps/Gallery2
665e75b庫2 :自動對焦翻譯
2ad72d2庫2 : CS翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ InCallUI
eb83253 InCallUI : ES翻譯
fbcc7df InCallUI : IT翻譯
ef3b1a0 InCallUI : NL翻譯
18c5106 InCallUI :端口“加入黑名單” ,以支持在調用UI (2之1 )

   * packages/apps/Launcher3
588c2e4 Launcher3 : CS翻譯

   *封裝/應用程序/ LockClock
272bc66合併“ LockClock : IW翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
068574e LockClock : IW翻譯
0636a52 LockClock : CS翻譯

0a05b85合併“彩信: PT- BR翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
d3e833b彩信: AF翻譯
55b0a20彩信: ES翻譯
f96d1cb彩信: NL翻譯
6947eaf彩信: IT翻譯

ca32cf9藍牙: A2DP :加入A2DP源的UUID
236b41f允許改變關屏動畫( 2/2 )
3e2ce05 DisplaySettings :添加為硬件架構支持抽頭,以喚醒
30f231a合併“設置: ES翻譯”成厘米 - 11.0
f5b1f98合併“鎖屏快捷鍵:修復圖標包的使用”成CM- 11.0
fb0f278 [1 /2]設置:即時led測試

   *封裝/應用程序/ VoicePlus
b529c12 VoicePlus : LT翻譯

057b7aa合併“語音通信:實現噪聲抑制的電話( 2/2 ) ”成CM- 11.0
e2ed892電話:端口“加入黑名單” ,以支持在調用UI ( 2之2 )

b73075d的restorecon /數據/雜項/媒體。
e1473e4修復“亞行推/ SD卡/文件名”

ff73189合併“厘米:更新Kindle Fire的第一根維護者”成CM- 11.0
2d89f8b厘米:更新Kindle Fire的第一根維護者

由於週一1月20日8點29分43秒UTC 2014

   *外部/藍牙/ bluedroid

78adbbf FrameworkBase /鍵盤鎖: CS翻譯
2142c2c修正錯誤檢查MemoryFile 。
5b36ce1修正了NullPointerException異常的舉動早在ActivityStack 。
32e69d4合併“安靜時間:允許禁用手機鈴聲( 1/3 ) ”到厘米, 11.0
97e19ba安靜營業時間:允許禁用手機鈴聲( 1/3 )

   *框架的/ opt /電話

   *硬件/ QCOM /音頻
70390c9合併“音頻: IFDEF USB音頻功能”到厘米, 11.0

   *封裝/應用程序/ CMUpdater
2d5eb0e UpdateCheck :包括主叫增量在所有上市的請求

   * packages/apps/Camera2

8930b7a撥號器: CS翻譯
a51bce6合併“保持InCallUI在存儲器(2/ 3)”成厘米 - 11.0

   *封裝/應用程序/ InCallUI
8f2c931 InCallUI :修正錯誤打造
e33bbe0合併“保持InCallUI在存儲器(1/ 3)”成厘米 - 11.0

79fab03合併“設置: DE翻譯新文靜小時鈴聲設置”進入厘米 - 11.0
563591b合併“設置:刪除未使用的翻譯安靜的時間字符串”成厘米 - 11.0
38d2972合併“設置:添加一些更多的項目進入”短信限制“菜單中的”插入厘米, 11.0
c7783c7設置: DE翻譯新文靜小時鈴聲設置

4671c76 restorecon_recursive ( “ / sys目錄” )的速度開機時間

e450046添加打電話給我的APN (丹麥)

   *供應商/的Tmobile /應用程序/ ThemeChooser
c164eee ThemeChooser :更新DE翻譯
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