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[教學] ZenPAD S 8 Z580CA 簡單易懂ROOT教學

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jimmyshung | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-1-9 22:12
我選擇FACTORY RESET後會開機變原廠預設作業系統,
然後再次進去FASTBOOT後,仍沒有install option可以選擇ZIP檔安裝,該如何解?
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johnson0671 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-3-20 11:06
1-1.Intel-Android package: IntelAndroid-FBRL-05-16-2015-PTR.7z (https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23991606952604606)
1-2.SuperSU: UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip (https://download.chainfire.eu/696/SuperSU/UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip)
1-3.ADB Installer file: adb-setup-1.4.2.exe (http://dottech.org/21534/how-to-install-adb-and-fastboot-on-your-windows-computer-for-use-with-your-android-phone/)
1-4.universal ADB drivers: (http://adbdriver.com/)

2-1.手機端點選 "允許USB偵錯"(詳參: http://www.techbang.com/posts/18186-hidden-in-the-developers-option-little-cheat-cheat-secretly-reported-73-mobile-wholesalers-may)       
2-2.安裝ADB Installer file (詳參上述1-3,後方link說明)
2-3.安裝universal ADB drivers (詳參: http://adbdriver.com/documentation/how-to-install-adb-driver-on-windows-8-10-x64.html)
2-4.將"SuperSU-Pro-v2.46.zip" 存放在平板根目錄中(sdcard/0)
2-6.打開IntelAndroid-FBRL-05-16-2015-PTR資料夾,雙擊launcher.bat 並執行
  2-6-2.輸入"T2" 跑完後平板會重開機 進入CWM recovery畫面

3.接下來都在平板端操作 請一步一步慢慢確認
3-1.用音量鍵移動游標至 (wipe data/factory rester) 按電源鍵"確認"後 等平板跑完會回到同一個畫面
3-2.移動至 wipe cache partition 按電源鍵"確認" 等平板跑完回到同一畫面
3-3.選 install zip "確認"==> choose zip from sdcard "(選你"UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip"存放處)確認" ==>SuperSU_Pro_V2.46.zip "確認"==>yes_Install SuperSU_Pro_V2.46.zip "確認"
3-4.等平板回到同一畫面,選reboot system now "確認" ==>Yes_Fix root (/system/xbin/su) "確認"==>平板重開機後 ROOT完成

4.安裝Root Checker Basic(Google商店)確認是否root成功

5.自啟動管理確認: "SuperSU"須為"允許",否則無法啟動root權限

(以上程序參考以下原文說明修正: https://dottech.org/190386/how-to-root-asus-zenpad-s-8-0-z580c-on-android-5-0-guide/)

Make sure you have the USB Debugging Mode enabled on the Zenpad by navigating to the Menu > Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging Mode.
Download the Intel-Android package from this link.
Download the SuperSU by Chainfire from this link.
Learn how to set up ADB and Fastboot on your computer.
Download the universal ADB drivers on your computer.
Once you have set up the ADB and Fastboot on your computer, install the universal ADB drivers on the computer and then move to the next step.
Connect the Asus Zenpad S 80 Z580C to the computer with the USB cable.
Copy the SuperSU package to the root of the SD card internal storage of the Zenpad device.
Extract the Intel-Android package by moving it to the desktop and then right-click over the file and choosing the “extract here” option.
Open that same Intel folder and hold Shift and right-click the mouse and choose to open a new command window here from the menu.
Type the first command and hit Enter : adb devices
Click the Launcher.bat file that is found inside the same extracted folder.
Wait until it says your device is detected. Now select T2 and Enter.
Wait for the device to boot into the custom recovery after about five minutes.
Use the Volume keys to navigate through the recovery menu and choose the Install option to browse the SD card and then install the SuperSU file.
Confirm you do want to install the SuperSU file and choose the ‘reboot system now’ option from the main recovery menu when you’re done.
The SuperSU is what is going to keep your device safe by stopping malware from penetrating through your root file system unless you were to grant the malware access manually.

Read more at https://dottech.org/190386/how-to-root-asus-zenpad-s-8-0-z580c-on-android-5-0-guide/#jVeUMjOCyUcOICwI.99


參與人數 2碎鑽 +2 幫助 +2 收起 理由
penguink + 1 + 1 非常讃
lightlybaby + 1 + 1 非常讃


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little760215 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-3-21 23:54
新手發問  我完成到(F步驟) 但是 平版重新開機 一個小綠人戴 工地帽 之後 直接當在這邊了...
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little760215 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-3-22 02:27
本帖最後由 little760215 於 2016-3-22 18:07 編輯
little760215 發表於 2016-3-21 23:54
新手發問  我完成到(F步驟) 但是 平版重新開機 一個小綠人戴 工地帽 之後 直接當在這邊了... ...

2-6-2.輸入"T2" 跑完後平板會重開機 進入CWM recovery畫面

卡在這裡.......  我進不了cwm recovery畫面

全文網址: ZenPAD S 8 Z580CA 簡單易懂ROOT教學第2頁-ASUS ZenPad s-Asus 平板討論區-Android 台灣中文網 - APK.TW http://apk.tw/thread-729243-1-1.html#ixzz43YzYhCoZ
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korec012 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-4-20 02:21
照著指示做 已成功ROOT 謝謝
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winson0881 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-5-14 20:39
請問我做到F完的步驟進入到 CWM recover畫面後 點選 factory rester後就直接進入到andriod桌面了 怎麼沒回到CWM工程模式呢??
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jimmygimmy | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-5-15 22:40
照著上面步驟都完成了但是.安裝Root Checker Basic卻說沒有root !!!!!!!
SuperSU也有設為允許 怎麼會這樣.....

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jimmygimmy | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-5-15 22:56
直接到SuperSU_Pro_V2.46.zip 裡面的安裝Super SU.APK 就可以了
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winson0881 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-5-17 14:32
jimmygimmy 發表於 2016-5-15 22:56
直接到SuperSU_Pro_V2.46.zip 裡面的安裝Super SU.APK 就可以了

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