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[教學] 蝴蝶S rumrunner s-off HBOOT1.54可用

[複製連結] 查看: 12222|回覆: 57|好評: 6
zjz549 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2013-11-20 21:13
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x1234567890 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2013-11-22 01:26
sky96000 發表於 2013-11-19 01:12
重新 官方上鎖 解鎖  然後安裝 ROOT 設定 全部都授予 還有 BOOT 跟recovery 都要回復官方 跟你安裝的版本 ...

pouring <1>.............
pouring <2>..........
pouring <3>............

我卻都是pouring <1>............
後面就Waiting for ADB

最後還顯示成功 但是基子還是S-ON的...

==================== rumrunner S-OFF 0.5.0 ==============================

    rumrunner S-OFF comes with NO WARRANTY (express or implied)
    and NO GUARANTEE OF FITNESS for any particular task.
    We have made every effort we can to make this a safe process for users
    however the authors disclaim any liability for damage to your phone
    or other materials or devices used during this process.

    The entire risk of running rumrunner S-OFF lies with you, the user.
    By using this software you acknowledge and accept that the authors
    are not liable for any loss, material or otherwise howsoever caused.

Do you understand the implications of this warning?

Dear User: We will expect that YOU:
(1) Know how to use ADB and FASTBOOT binaries
---- [Yes, use these tools to test USB connection BEFORE running rumrunner] ----

(2) Realize that rumrunner S-OFF cannot support every CUSTOM rom in this world
(3) Understand that irc support IS NOT A GENERAL HELPDESK
(4) Are able to identify and download the CORRECT package for YOUR device
(5) Know how to enable USB-debugging on YOUR device  (Yes, do that now)
(6) Understand that you may NOT repack or redistribute rumrunner S-OFF

!! Do NOT for any reason taunt, unplug, drop, eat or pet your device !!
Please wait....
Checking for updates......
Test 1: Rebooting into bootloader
Waiting for fastboot (6/120)
Test 2: Booting device
Waiting for ADB (29/120)
must ferment longer...

must sanitize, skunky rum is nasty
hold please..............................................
Rebooting into bootloader (again)
Waiting for fastboot (6/120)
Waiting for ADB (28/120)
must ferment longer...

it"s a little stinky here, hmm....

bottles are packed, here we go, shhhhhh....

hmm, cap is on tighter than I expected........
hell, that damn cap is on REALLY tight.......
pouring (1).........
Waiting for ADB (30/120)
must ferment longer...

what"s that in the bottle still?  rum foul, sloppy, real sloppy...
wait for it.........
yep, done.  Hope you enjoyed the rum!
Don"t forget to send us all your money - [email protected]
Press ENTER to exit


0.5版的RUMMER S-OFF有了,在用新版的試吧  發表於 2013-11-27 21:52
http://www.***/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=15773&page=1#pid161263 請看雷殘大的翻譯  發表於 2013-11-22 02:05
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姽嫿 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2013-11-27 23:26
太累人了= =
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ksittep | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2013-12-4 01:28
thanks for shaing , it works
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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張世國 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2013-12-14 18:02
蝴蝶機S hboot版本是1.54 成功S-OFF
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jin6793 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2013-12-22 18:25
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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z5376012 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-1-1 13:26
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jetsoeasy | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-1-4 14:38
無法成功 哪裡有問題?

==================== rumrunner S-OFF 0.5.0 ==============================

    rumrunner S-OFF comes with NO WARRANTY (express or implied)
    and NO GUARANTEE OF FITNESS for any particular task.
    We have made every effort we can to make this a safe process for users
    however the authors disclaim any liability for damage to your phone
    or other materials or devices used during this process.

    The entire risk of running rumrunner S-OFF lies with you, the user.
    By using this software you acknowledge and accept that the authors
    are not liable for any loss, material or otherwise howsoever caused.

Do you understand the implications of this warning?

Dear User: We will expect that YOU:
(1) Know how to use ADB and FASTBOOT binaries
---- [Yes, use these tools to test USB connection BEFORE running rumrunner] ----

(2) Realize that rumrunner S-OFF cannot support every CUSTOM rom in this world
(3) Understand that irc support IS NOT A GENERAL HELPDESK
(4) Are able to identify and download the CORRECT package for YOUR device
(5) Know how to enable USB-debugging on YOUR device  (Yes, do that now)
(6) Understand that you may NOT repack or redistribute rumrunner S-OFF

!! Do NOT for any reason taunt, unplug, drop, eat or pet your device !!
Please wait....
Checking for updates......
Test 1: Rebooting into bootloader
Waiting for fastboot (8/120)
Test 2: Booting device
Waiting for ADB (37/120)
must ferment longer...

must sanitize, skunky rum is nasty
hold please..............................................
Rebooting into bootloader (again)
Waiting for fastboot (8/120)
Waiting for ADB (40/120)
must ferment longer...

ERROR: looks like device is not rooted AND lacks an unsecure kernel.  su or FU!!
Press ENTER to exit
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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jurn0818 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-1-19 01:40
我一直GOOGLE PLAY 解鎖版安裝不完成,原來就是因為沒有S-OFF...
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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a1234886 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2014-2-4 17:40

==================== rumrunner S-OFF 0.5.0 ==============================

    rumrunner S-OFF comes with NO WARRANTY (express or implied)
    and NO GUARANTEE OF FITNESS for any particular task.
    We have made every effort we can to make this a safe process for users
    however the authors disclaim any liability for damage to your phone
    or other materials or devices used during this process.

    The entire risk of running rumrunner S-OFF lies with you, the user.
    By using this software you acknowledge and accept that the authors
    are not liable for any loss, material or otherwise howsoever caused.

Do you understand the implications of this warning?

Dear User: We will expect that YOU:
(1) Know how to use ADB and FASTBOOT binaries
---- [Yes, use these tools to test USB connection BEFORE running rumrunner] ----

(2) Realize that rumrunner S-OFF cannot support every CUSTOM rom in this world
(3) Understand that irc support IS NOT A GENERAL HELPDESK
(4) Are able to identify and download the CORRECT package for YOUR device
(5) Know how to enable USB-debugging on YOUR device  (Yes, do that now)
(6) Understand that you may NOT repack or redistribute rumrunner S-OFF

!! Do NOT for any reason taunt, unplug, drop, eat or pet your device !!
Please wait....
Checking for updates......
Test 1: Rebooting into bootloader
Waiting for fastboot (8/120)
Test 2: Booting device
Waiting for ADB (15/120)
must ferment longer...

must sanitize, skunky rum is nasty
hold please..............................................
Rebooting into bootloader (again)
Waiting for fastboot (9/120)
Waiting for ADB (15/120)
must ferment longer...

smells lovely in here....

bottles are packed, here we go, shhhhhh....

pouring (1)............
Waiting for ADB (16/120)
must ferment longer...

what"s that in the bottle still?  rum foul, sloppy, real sloppy...
wait for it.........
yep, done.  Hope you enjoyed the rum!
Don"t forget to send us all your money - [email protected]
Press ENTER to exit

一直重複 然後沒成功 無解= =??
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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