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<hot2>再來一帖market找不到的免費遊戲下載平台-Ugame-mario world attach_img Android 遊戲下載 chenspower 2011-7-13 408 24937 lc925116 2013-9-26 02:52
碧昂絲-run the world attachment Android 手機鈴聲 lion0926 2011-8-19 8 863 sedc 2011-10-15 00:05
當紅嘻哈鈴聲"B.o.B-Nothin' On You" attachment Android 手機鈴聲 etsinz 2012-1-18 0 837 etsinz 2012-1-18 23:22
布蘭妮 Britney Spears -till the world ends 鈴聲 attachment Android 手機鈴聲 miketomian 2012-2-3 0 836 miketomian 2012-2-3 15:51
fifa world cup 2010 attachment Android 手機鈴聲 Android 2012-2-5 1 457 amfgaqc 2012-2-5 20:14
lep'x world 類似馬利兄弟的過關遊戲 V1.3 attach_img Android 遊戲下載 nick0821 2012-3-6 5 1118 mimi88830 2012-3-10 16:47
【吞噬天地】Engulfed the world V1.0.1 attach_img Android 遊戲下載 水昆兄 2012-3-16 21 3129 淚痕旅人 2013-1-14 19:52
破冰 Break the Ice - Snow world V1.0 attach_img Android 遊戲下載 ttoomm 2012-5-8 5 1403 xiang838229 2012-5-17 21:14
當12星座遇到世界末日 End of the world 占星占卜 jaycan 2012-5-8 0 710 jaycan 2012-5-8 21:27
加速世界 OP-Chase the world (鈴聲) attach_img Android 手機鈴聲 zz19374891 2012-6-12 22 3922 love56841 2014-1-15 19:12
初音未來-Tell_your_world (鈴聲)(試聽) attach_img Android 手機鈴聲 zz19374891 2012-6-22 11 1589 howdo12345 2013-5-24 21:58
IOS移植 地鐵跑酷 Subway Surfers v1.0.4 attach_img Android 遊戲下載 fishwood 2012-10-14 46 4063 sunkiss 2014-5-10 23:20
有A+world A1能幫忙一下嗎? attach_img 其他 手機討論區 yake2434 2012-10-30 13 2881 kukubon 2013-8-28 01:06
[3D酷炫打鬥特效]忍者天下 Ninja the world v1.0.3 attach_img Android 遊戲下載 t0986993350 2013-1-6 13 2589 MAX90179 2013-2-10 04:21
[瘋狂掃射殭屍]全球爆發 Global Outbreak v1.2.3 attachment Android 遊戲下載 t0986993350 2013-1-7 24 2075 sone章魚 2013-2-3 13:01
maplestory live deluxe Android 遊戲交流 aeiou90332 2013-1-23 1 540 n124327420 2013-1-23 12:57
MapleStory Live Deluxe Android 遊戲交流 aeiou90332 2013-1-23 0 521 aeiou90332 2013-1-23 13:03
求Tales of the world:tactics union 最新板本apk - [懸賞 40 個碎鑽] 過期未解決懸賞 jojoso2680 2013-2-1 1 2317 qwersd98777 2013-2-7 19:49
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"五星評分最佳遊戲"黏黏世界 world of goo v1.1 已付費(5/15更新) attachment Android 遊戲下載 chunchih1109 2013-5-18 27 3694 pocketrabbit520 2014-6-4 02:40


分享 世界大同-------建党号召书 Call for world harmony ------- founding book
mmabchab 2016-7-12 12:14
世界大同-------建党号召书 天地万物为统一的整体,循遵共同的规律法则,自然界如此,人类社会也如此。凡是实践证实是遵循宇宙规律的事,每个人,每个国家,每个民族都要学习应用,凡是实践证明是违背宇宙规律的事,每个人,每个国家,每个民族都应反对。这样人类就能统一思想,相互理解,相互学习,相互帮助,避免内斗内耗,迅速发展。这就是我的大同思想。 然而在现实中,中共为了自身少数人的个人利益,打着共产主义旗号,确实际实行的是封建的独裁统治。独裁者江泽民实际掌握着国家大权,确操控着胡锦涛、温家宝、习近平、李克强这些走狗戏子在前台表演欺骗世人,对内实行封建的独裁统治祸国殃民,对外向朝鲜等国提供弹道导弹技术和核武器技术,支持这些跟中共一样反民主反人类文明的国家,使整个人类处在内斗内耗中难以前进。 要消灭这股邪恶势力,我认为最好的办法就是把全中国人民都号召团结起来,推翻中共独裁统治建立一个民主自由的新中国,而不能对中国使用武力,否则人类将面临更大的灾难。为此我决心创建中国民主党,世界佛教联合会和爱国文化衫运动委员会三大组织,通过不同的途径把全中国人民都号召团结起来。 我认为中国民主党这一光荣伟大的名称属于全中国人民所有,任何个人,任何团体都不能把他占为己有。展开竟争,谁为中国人民争取到民主自由,谁得到全中国人民的拥护,谁最终拥有这一光荣伟大的名称,特别是在当前中共强大,中国民主党处在发展阶段,展开竟争不仅可以发挥更多人的智慧和力量,竞争出最伟大的领袖来,同时还能有效的应对中共用巨资收买中国民主党领导人等破坏中国民主党发展的行为。 我创建的中国民主党,是以我世界大同思想为指南的以推翻中共独裁统治建立一个民主自由新中国为奋斗目标的中国人民的政党。他将宣传真理唤醒民众并组织带领人民进行民主革命,是中国实现民主自由的保证。 宗教历来就是推动人类社会进步和发展最重要的力量。佛教不仅诞生于亚洲,佛教的文化佛的形象都是亚洲人民最容易理解接受的。但是佛教把佛、法、僧三宝作为信徒归依的对象,把慈悲、平等、智慧作为佛教的教义。可见佛教不仅已严重偏离了宗教主干,而且所有佛教工作者都根本不知道宗教的本质是什么其原理是什么。 束缚之苦产生的原理是什么?如何治疗?宗教的本质原理是什么?真正的佛教是怎样的?这些都是人类社会中最重要的问题,也是我凝聚团结人民推动社会进步最关键的核心问题。为此我专门写了一篇《开创新时代--------真正的佛教是怎样的》的文章附在后边,我认为这篇文章是世界上最伟大最优秀的文章,请大家一定收看。 我认为要推翻中共独裁统治,不仅要通过不同的途径把全中国人民都号召团结起来,最终还需要号召人民通过直接公开的形式进行斗争。另外真理也必须经常反复的宣传。爱国文化衫运动就是以每年6月为爱国文化衫运动月, 以北京天安门广场为运动中心的一项爱国运动。详情见我《发起爱国文化衫运动——倡议书》。 我一直认为当兵不仅训练很艰苦,而且遇到战争、洪水、地震等灾难时,军人还要挺身而出流血牺牲。占绝对多数的军人他们不仅都是老百姓的子弟,而且政治觉悟比普通群众还要高一些。只要把群众发动起来了,也就等于已把军人发动起来了。爱国文化衫运动最终必然会唤起民众,并汇集一切正义的力量,行成任何人任何势力也阻挡不了的历史潮流,摧毁一切旧制度! 我为我要建立的中国主民党,“世佛联”设计了党旗、党徽、会旗、会徽(附在后面),我把万字形的党徽会徽起名为太阳,蓝天上金色银色的太阳象征着破除黑暗给人间以阳光普照。万字作为佛教的标志已有二千多年的历史了,而近几十年希特勒盗用佛教的标志去干坏事,必然落得玩火自焚的下场。 万字形的太阳有无比强大的神秘力量,再加上“民主党”、“世佛联”、“爱委会”三大法宝和我的智慧,我认为我能在最短的时间里把全中国人民都号召起来,打倒中共使祖国实现民主自由! 万事开头难,我盼望世界人民特别是中国人民能极积支持和参入到我即将创建的三大组织中来,我们共同努力推翻中共独裁统治,消灭一切反人类的邪恶势力,使人类进入到一个统一思想,相互理解,相互学习,相互帮助,没有内斗内耗,迅速发展的新时代! 汪达林(电子信箱: [email protected] ) 2013年9月26日写于新加坡,同时写的还有《开创新时代--------真正的佛教是怎样的》、《政治避难--------申请书》。 附释:以下文章用网络软件翻译以上是原文。 Attached Explanation: The following article is a translation by network software than the original. Call for world harmony ------- founding book The universe is a unified whole, through compliance with the common law rules, so nature, human society also do so. Those who follow the practice proved to be the law of the universe thing, every person, every country, every nation must learn the application, who proved to be contrary to the law of the universe thing, every person, every country and every nation should be opposed. Such humans will be able to unify our thinking, mutual understanding, mutual learning, mutual help avoid infighting friction, rapid development. This is my Idea of ​​Datong. In reality, however, the CCP for their own personal interests of the minority, the name of the banner of communism, indeed the actual implementation of a feudal dictatorship. Dictator Jiang Zemin actually holds state power, indeed manipulation of Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang these lackeys actors in the foreground show deceive the world, internal feudal dictatorship disastrous foreign to Korea and other countries to provide ballistic missile technology and nuclear weapons technology, to support these countries with the communists and anti-democratic and civilized humanity, the entire human race is within the internal friction in the bucket difficult to move forward. To eliminate this evil force, I think the best way is to call for all the Chinese people to unite to overthrow the Communist dictatorship to establish a new democratic and free China, and China can not use force, human beings will face even greater disaster . For this reason I am determined to create China Democracy Party World Buddhist Federation and the Patriotic Movement Committee of the three organizations shirt, by different routes the call to all the Chinese people to unite. I think the Chinese Democratic Party this great and glorious name belongs to all the Chinese people, any person, any group can not he for himself. Expand the competition, who will fight for the Chinese people to democracy and freedom, who gets supported by the whole Chinese people, who ultimately have the great and glorious name, not only strong especially in the current CCP, China Democratic Party in the development stage, expand competition more people to play the wisdom and strength of competition to the greatest leaders, while an effective response undermine the development of the China Democracy Party"s behavior are common to buy heavily in China and other Democratic leaders. China Democratic Party that I created, based on universal brotherhood I thought as a guide to overthrow the Communist dictatorship to establish a democratic and free new China as the goal of the party of the Chinese people. He will promote the truth to awaken the public and lead the people to organize democratic revolution, China is to achieve democracy and freedom guaranteed. Religion has historically been the most important force to promote social progress and development. Not only Buddhism culture image of the Buddha was born in Asia, Buddhism is the easiest to understand Asian people to accept. But Buddhism the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha as believers refuge object, compassion, equality, the wisdom of Buddhist teachings. Buddhism has seen not only a serious deviation from the main religion, Buddhism and all workers are simply not aware of the essence of religion is what the principle Yes. What is the principle of bitter bondage is generated? How is it treated? What is the essence of religion is the principle? Buddhism is really like? These are the human society of the most important issues, which I gather promote social progress and unity of the people most critical core issues. For this reason I specifically wrote an "open up a new era of true Buddhism -------- what" the article attached to the back, I think this article is the world"s greatest and most excellent article, please We must watch. I think to overthrow the Communist dictatorship, not only by different routes the call to all the Chinese people to unite, and the eventual need to call people through direct public form of struggle. Furthermore truth must often repeated publicity. Patriotic shirt sport is a year in June for the patriotic shirt sports month in Beijing"s Tiananmen Square as the sports center a patriotic movement. For details, see my "started this patriotic shirt movement - written proposal." I always thought that a soldier is not only very hard training, and experience of war, floods, earthquakes and other disasters, but also to come forward military bloodshed. Absolute majority of the soldiers who not only are people"s children, and political awareness is even higher than some of the ordinary people. As long as the masses started up, it equals Yiba soldiers started up. Patriotic shirt movement would ultimately arouse the people, and brings together all the power of justice, the line into anyone force could stop the tide of history can not destroy all the old system! I want to build my main Chinese Democratic Party, "World Buddha joint" design of the flag, emblem, flag, emblem (attached to the back), I Wan-shaped emblem emblem named for the sun, the blue sky and golden sun silver get rid of the darkness to symbolize the earth to the sun shines. Words as a sign of Buddhism has 2000 years of history, and in recent decades while Hitler misappropriation Buddhist flag shop and go bad is bound to end up playing with fire in the end. Wan-shaped sun has extremely powerful mystical force, coupled with the "Democratic Party", "World Buddha joint", "Love Committee" three magic weapons and my wisdom, I think I can in the shortest possible time, the entire Chinese people, We are called upon to defeat the Communist Party to make the motherland achieve democracy and freedom! All beginnings are hard, I look forward to the world people, especially Chinese people to support and participate into a plot to three organizations I am about to be created, we work together to overthrow the Communist dictatorship, eliminate all the forces of evil against humanity, mankind enters a unity of thinking, mutual understanding, mutual learning, mutual help, no infighting internal friction, a new era of rapid development! Wang Dalin (E-mail: [email protected] ) September 26, 2013 was written in Singapore, but also to write "open up a new era of true Buddhism -------- what", "-------- political asylum application."
0 個評論
分享 fifa world cup紀念品?足球造型運動禮品這裡買!
an033wei058 2014-4-15 14:35
Normal 0 0 2 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 四年一度的 fifa world cup 又到了,台灣的球迷們每次也都熱情參與這場國際性的盛會,無論是熬夜緊盯賽事,或是搶購世足賽紀念品,都看的岀大家的狂熱呀! 搭乘著這股 fifa world cup 旋風,相關的 運動禮品 也熱銷了起來,無論是足球造型、球衣造型甚至是球鞋造型禮品,都是近來最夯最時尚的運動禮品新選擇! 「 2014 年 fifa world cup 是國際足協第 20 屆世界盃足球賽,將於 2014 年 6 月 12 日 至 7 月 13 日 在巴西 12 個城市的 12 個球場舉行,由來自世界各地的 32 支球隊參加賽事,進行 64 場比賽決定冠軍隊伍。」 最近要送禮的你煩惱著不知道該送什麼嗎?選擇當下時事中最熱門最有創意的 足球造型 運動禮品 就對了!
0 個評論
分享 偽面,是否也曾偽裝自己的面孔
凜影 2014-1-8 06:07
廣場上聽誰匆匆的腳步 誰又捧著鮮花滿臉陶醉地旋舞 人們沐浴著太陽光輝身披艷麗晨霧 日復一日依然是三分笑容如故 誰在十字架前虔誠地懺悔再醒悟 是誰端起酒杯喝下了自己的良知無純目 誰又穿著嚴肅黑服用半生去爭逐 看不到自己不久後被火燒成煙灰與塵土 把誰剝奪到只剩下皮與骨 身邊卻翩翩飛舞著嫵媚彩蝶無數 這昏暗的天空下啊到底是誰做主 面具後的醜陋臉龐又會有多可惡 誰在緩慢拉開這偽善的戲幕 後又領頭用笑面去擁抱綠樹 The world,the hypocritical and exterminates. The world,the extreme,the masked clown. 誰被誰同化要每天抹上濃妝 每天看到的景象會有多少假象 誰的夢裡還會存在王子公主的幻想 戲裡戲外漸漸把自己的真心埋葬 將真實掩藏 用虛偽包裝 誰會到達那慰人的天堂 誰還會自嘲自己的無邪善良 哈哈哈原來我也和你們一樣 只是對世外虛無多了一些嚮往 不過是百年時光 真真幻幻我也不會留戀去回望
390 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Hello world
howie828828 2013-10-30 22:50
this is the first diary for test
127 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Alice
ckickiffe 2012-5-12 17:09
Alice walks in a wonderland. She"s thinking. Thinking of suicide. The world is too harsh to live. So, she"s thinking. Thinking of suicide.
0 個評論
分享 hello the world
littlestarry 2012-2-14 20:43
175 次閱讀|0 個評論