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tag 標籤: factory


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2.3.3 版 試試看會不有這下面畫面 Galaxy SII I9100 newgoodman 2011-10-7 0 613 newgoodman 2011-10-7 23:33
GingerXperia 可以不變動原資料升級韌體嗎? Xperia X8/W8 jacob777 2011-10-21 8 1131 juves99 2011-11-21 21:09
【版主】CyanogenMod Android2.3.7 效能接近 4.0 attach_img G11 HTC Incredible S sunnilysky 2011-12-1 33 8448 cash0004 2012-8-12 13:32
什麼是4W4F attachment G10 HTC Desire HD tungtung011 2011-12-28 10 4168 anisette0 2013-6-2 11:36
【吃飽太閒之4EXT Recovery 中文對照表】 HTC Sensation/XE 水昆兄 2012-2-24 5 5296 ronald6779 2013-1-1 07:59
懸賞 MIUI的黑屏/睡死問題 - [懸賞 10 個碎鑽] Galaxy S I9000 059553 2012-3-18 2 1539 michale1201 2012-12-30 21:09
XT910之第三方OR的Recovery版本的全部菜單中英文註釋(附 attachment RAZR XT910 twncica 2012-4-25 7 4026 黃國修 2012-11-4 03:08
(Android2.3.5)(Sense3.5)+A2SD+跟Bliss音效+安裝方法精簡 G7 HTC Desire Havy 2012-5-27 5 3657 ut000009 2012-9-10 01:19
s2無法執行Wipe data/factory reset Galaxy SII I9100 strike 2012-7-7 3 3703 strike 2012-7-7 12:36
[升 4.04 前務必注意] wipe 機變磚bugs 自我檢查 attach_img Galaxy Note N7000 sinosze 2012-7-14 14 2937 pack0928 2012-8-17 21:47
調整過的ICS 4.0.4 和Walkman ((內含詳盡版刷機教學,不看可惜喔!! attach_img Xperia Neo MT15i a18184457aa 2012-7-21 38 10958 mox81008 2015-3-9 23:32
GT540 CM10 4.1 attach_img LG GT540 Optimus ricky52_be7 2012-7-23 9 3907 ricky52_be7 2013-5-7 20:02
糟糕!!手殘 按到factory reset(哭~~~~) G11 HTC Incredible S spidersid 2012-9-19 0 2 spidersid 2012-9-19 23:49
糟糕!手殘按到factory reset(哭~~~~~) G11 HTC Incredible S spidersid 2012-9-19 1 1538 voldemot1994 2012-10-24 20:01
認識POM前必備2wipe Galaxy SIII i9300 大璿 2012-10-16 0 1706 大璿 2012-10-16 01:01
【11/18】4.1.2 XXELK4 S ROM + S PACK V4.2發佈 attachment Galaxy SIII i9300 低調中的高調 2012-11-21 71 6326 hotdogpeople2 2013-2-27 19:16
[Old version]台灣官方版 4.1.1 ZSDLK2 深度優化 省電順暢 attachment Galaxy SIII i9300 低調中的高調 2012-11-24 69 11923 周波波 2013-3-2 22:14
【2012/11/27】XperiaPlay Ice Cream Pureness 14.0ver.6.0&SP1更新內核載點 attachment Xperia Play Z1i ppsing2 2012-12-4 103 15176 garyrust 2016-4-28 04:55
S2 UNROOT疑問 Galaxy SII I9100 nom60818 2012-12-19 2 887 nom60818 2012-12-20 17:38
懸賞 Gtalk 無法正常使用 - [懸賞 50 個碎鑽] attach_img RAZR XT910 059553 2012-12-21 10 1689 059553 2012-12-25 20:49


分享 Flashing and Rooting Motorla Defy XT535 ,with Chinese Traditional support
wnpang 2015-8-25 02:03
Flashing and Rooting Motorla XT535 Follow the steps 1. Install " Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.9.0 " 32/64 bits, depend on your windows OS 2. Install " RSDLite5.7.msi " (for Win 7) 3. Switch off your phone, Press "+" + "-" + "switch" until enter to the Recovery mode 4. "+" / "-" to scroll up or down, choose "wipe data / factory reset" 5. Press "switch" to select and select "Yes--delete all user data" 6. choose "wipe cache partition" 7. choose "Reboot system now" 8.switchoff your mobile 9. Open "RSD Lite" 10. Put your phone in Boot loader mode by press "volume +" + "switch" hold until the red logo is fixed on screen 11. Connect mobile to PC 12. In the title bar of mobile, choose "Mass storage" for USB Computer Connection 13. Go to Settings Applications Developer , select "USB debugging" 13. Go to Settings Security, select "Unknown Source" 14. In "RSD Lite", choose "ChineseISC.sbf" or " TBPI-228E-0-7009-A04_Signed.sbf ", press "Start" 15. If it stuck on 84% dont panic, Please be patient. 16. After completing in 100%, press "Close", remove your phone from PC 17. Reboot Rooting 18. Install "SUT LR v1.7.5" on your PC (for Win 7) 19. Re-check Settings Applications Developer , status: "USB debugging" 20. Switch on "WiFi" 21. Connectmobile to PC/Laptop . windows will detect the device, wait until windows finish install the drivers. 22. Open "SUT LR" 23. Extract "Patch.rar" 24. Select FXX_PR3_NV.xml in the software update tool, make sure the NvDefinition.xml file should also located in the same folder 25. click Next.The device will auto reboot after driver installation and rom patching complete. 26. Remove the phone from pc/laptop 27. Reboot 27. Extract and Open "SuperOneClick" on your PC 28. Click Root 29. Wait until SuperOneClick finish all task 30. Reboot and Done Install Google Apps 31. Extract " Root and Gapps Installer ICS.rar " 32. Choose "Install.bat" 33. read the instruction, Press Enter (3 times) for complete installation Local language installation 34. Download " Configuración local_2.2.2.apk " to the phone 35. Install 36. Go to Settings Language choose language you want Real Rooting 37. After installation all stuff, I found it still wasn"t rooted. I go to "http://www.kingoapp.com/" to root the phone 38. Download and install "Kingo Android ROOT" in your PC 39. Follow the step and allow installation in you phone 40. Your phone will being Root Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67QafWsGiHE http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1827338
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