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本帖最後由 AozakiTouko 於 2014-1-12 16:04 編輯
[GB]GingerBeanSS 3.5 [.184] (02/11) [OTA] [LB&UB]
-GB. 184 based, the last one.
-Prerooted and with Cwm.
-Compatible with both Unlocked and Locked Bootloaders
-Framework with holo UI, Z1 animations and some Sony ics/jb appearance.
-Z1 style launcher.
-Jb Sony systemui.
-Swipe to delete.notifications.
-Settings divided like ics/jb with Z1 icons and Cpu control, ota and quickpanel.imtegrated.
-Walkman and Walkman widget with ics style.
-Ics/jb music controls in lockscreen.
-Jb style of notifications.
-Jb google widget, like google now one.
-Z1 clock widget.
-Reboot in power off menu.
-JB Bootanimation.
-Jb chargemon.
-Tools widget of Jb.
-Jb Wallpapers.
-Deleted all clock icons in launcher (chronmeter, world clock etc) ezxept alarms, with jb icon.
-Jb like recent apps.
-OTA updater.
-Various tweaks to improve performance and battery life.
Changelog v3:
-Fixed fcs.
-Fixed fc in systemui in settings shortcut.
-Jb look for recent apps.
-Jb logo in about phone.
-Various tweaks to improve performance and battery life.
-ICS music widget
Changelog v3.2:
-Recent apps shortcut in SystemUI.
-Date Fix in SystemUI.
-More JB sony like for SystemUI.
-No R of roaming.
-Resized reboot icon.
-Translate Settings into English (Spanish still avaliable)
-Some jb sony icons in settings and framework
-Clock app fixed
Changelog v3.3:
-Fixed brigthness slider.
-New XZ look for launcher"s dock.
-New JB spinner.
Changelog 3.5
-Fixed fc in eap wifi.
Rom Part1
Part2 V3
使用教學!!此為2.37的rom 4.04可能需要降級
-安裝 GingerbeanssPart1.zip
-重新開機後進入cwm更新v3刷包 記得將檔名改成update-系統內含有OTA可以直接更新3.5可是本人使用上有問題
全部順序 part1 -> 更新V3 ->更新V5
在U板走跳多年 一直是個淺水者 幾乎超過一半的ROM都刷過了 刷來刷去還是2.37的高內存符合我個人的使用需求
而這版本結合美化 又保存了2.37的超流暢 使用起來完全不會LAG下面附上 RAM使用情況
一直是個受益者 希望可以提供這個優良的ROM給各位板友 讓大家可以繼續體驗小U的魅力
目前使用多天還沒碰上BUG 內建沒有中文輸入法 去下載一下GOOGLE注音 就可以了