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[國際] 【TOMO雙語爆】懸掛國旗遭管委施壓 美國男上網討公道

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發表於 2016-7-6 00:30

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又到了7月4日,美國人每年都期待能以驕傲、愛國精神、煙火和熱狗歡慶的日子。在以國家精神聞名的這片土地上,每個人所到之處幾乎都能看到美國國旗。但住在科羅拉多州格里利(Greeley)的男子Samuel Adams,上週得知他必須取下他的國旗。社區管理委員會以書面來函通知Adams,他掛的國旗被視為雜物,必須移走。但Samuel Adams錄製了一段,他大聲唸出信件內容的影片,並將影片上傳到臉書(Facebook)和YouTube。「親愛的Samuel,謹此通知,管委會注意到你在陽台/露台區掛了一面美國國旗。你簽署過的《社區政策》明訂:陽台/露台區不得作為儲藏和/或晾曬衣物之用。通風廊不得作為露台或儲藏之用。請勿堆積個人物品。陽台和露台必須保持乾淨、整潔和怡人的樣貌。戶外和/或露台的家具僅限在你的露台或陽台上使用。」社區「史德林高地」(Sterling Heights)制定的政策,並不受到網友的歡迎。情況嚴重到,影片公佈兩天後,Samuel Adams必須拜託網友別再威脅史德林高地的員工。此事引起媒體關注後不久,Samuel Adams表示,管委會辦公室的門外突然出現一面國旗。沒過多久,管委會終於舉旗投降,表示Samuel Adams可以懸掛他的國旗。英文原文:Ahh the Fourth of July, a day Americans look forward to celebrating each year with pride, patriotism, fireworks and hot dogs.In a land well known for its national spirit, you’ll see American flags on homes just about everywhere you go.But this man, Samuel Adams of Greeley, Colorado, was told last week that he needed to take his flag down.In a letter from management at this apartment complex, Adams was notified in writing that the flag constituted as clutter, and needed to go.Instead, Samuel Adams recorded a video of him reading the letter out loud, and posted it to Facebook and YouTube.“Dear Samuel, please be advised that it has come to management’s attention that you have an American flag on the balcony/patio area. Your signed Community Policies states, ‘The use of balconies and patios for the purpose of storage and/or laundry drying is prohibited. Breezeways are not to be used as a patio or storage. Please do not clutter with personal belongings. Balconies and patios must be maintained in a neat, clean and attractive condition. Outdoor and/or patio furniture is welcomed on your patio or balcony only.”This policy ruling by the apartment complex, Sterling Heights, didn’t go over well with folks online.So much so that two days after releasing the video, Samuel Adams begged the Internet to stop threatening the staff at Sterling Heights. Shortly after the media circus began,Samuel Adams posted that a flag had suddenly appeared by the door of the management office.Not long after that, management waved the white flag and said it was okay for Samuel Adams to hang his after all.原文影片請看此

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