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[其他] ☆安卓白牌軍☆F-Stop Media Gallery PRO v4.4.0 Final Unlocked 媒體管...

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發表於 2016-1-14 19:43

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安卓白牌軍☆F-Stop Media Gallery PRO v4.4.0 Final Unlocked 媒體管理工具

【語  言】 繁體 其他
軟體名稱】 F-Stop Media Gallery PRO
【軟體版本】 v4.4.0 FinalUnlocked
【文件大小】 6.61MB
【更新日期】 2016-01-14
【使用權限】 解鎖版
【系統要求】 Android 4.0+


F-Stop Media Gallery 是一款功能強大、操作簡單的媒體管理工具,可以完全替代您平時使用的同類軟體。 這款軟體已經被下載了接近一百萬次,並獲得了超過四星的評價。知名網站 Lifehacker 更是給予了這款軟體“最佳相冊應用”的稱號。

“(這款軟體)可能是我在2013年找到的最喜歡的軟體了。”——來自Android Central的編輯

智能。 智慧相冊功能可以自動為您創建相冊,它可以根據標籤、評分、拍攝日期、圖片尺寸和其它屬性對圖片進行分類。僅僅需要設定一個分類條件就可以了,例如標籤包含“家庭”的照片或評級為5星的視頻。軟體會自動創建相冊並不斷地更新內容。

完美畫質。 即使是在移動設備上,也可以保留最完美的畫質,保證每一個圖元都那麼清晰。您可以隨意縮放,盡情享受完美畫質帶來的體驗。


*支援Android 4.4的 Immersive mode。
*直接吐去檔中的中繼資料 (EXIF, XMP, IPTC)。
*支援多種檔案類型[1]: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WEBP, WEBM, MP4, 3GP, AVI, MKV, MTS, WMV, FLV, MPG, MPEG, TS, MOV, M4V and M2TS。

Feature Introducing a completely new tagging interface that includes the ability to quickly group tags together and save them in what we call “Tag groups”
Feature Added customizable information panel that can display up to 15 different metadata parameters

Update Improved details dialog
Update Improved media scanning speed
Update Improved customization of navigation drawer
Update Improved share menu with option to use system share
Update Added rename option in image viewer
Update Added swipe to refresh for folders
Update Added confirmation for excluding folders
Update Added Google analytics
Update Added orientation change in settings
Update Changed animations and improved speed for image viewer
Update Date modified retained on move and copy operations (if possible)

Fix Fixed bottom bar not displayed if user selected nested album
Fix Fixed blocky tiles in image viewer
Fix Fixed last line of bottom overflow menu not always visible in orientation mode (and maybe portrait)
Fix Fixed Marshmallow devices not recognizing SD card
Fix Fixed problems with reading metadata with photospheres
Fix Fixed some images that don’t work when saving metadata
Fix Fixed “Best fit” so all images are oriented to the same size
Fix Fixed an SD card issue (SD card not detected) with Blackberry Priv
Fix Fixed issue with sidecar file not renaming when image is renamed
Fix Fixed last line of bottom overflow menu not always visible in landscape mode
Fix If image which is visible in image viewer is changed, it will now be reloaded
Fix Share will now be in the image viewer menu even if image is not in database
Fix Fixed some issues with tagging photos
Fix When F-Stop is opened from camera, it will correctly enable menu items after image is put into database
Fix When image that is visible in image viewer is changed, it will now be reloaded
Fix When last image in viewer is deleted, we now show the last image instead of the first
Fix When opened from camera, we will correctly enable menu items after image is put into database







F-Stop Media Gallery PRO v4.4.0 Final Unlocked.apk (6.62 MB, 下載次數: 31, 售價: 1 個碎鑽)
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參與人數 5碎鑽 +4 幫助 +5 收起 理由
sucker14me + 1 + 1 讚一個!
woolala + 1 + 1 非常讃
madisonhung + 1 好內容,老衲來為這篇文章開開光.
sleepless-man + 1 + 1 非常讃
隨緣劍者 + 1 + 1 非常讃


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