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[系統工具] 【原版龍】L Speed v1.3.5 TYRANT{官方版}傻瓜大雜燴優化軟體

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發表於 2016-2-29 21:26

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軟體語言】 英文

【軟體名稱】 L-Speed TYRANT

【版本資訊】 v1.3.2

【軟體大小】 2.74Mb

【更新日期】 2016/02/11

【使用權限】 免費版,需Root

【系統支援】 支援 Android 4.0 以上的版本


1.系統分割區 ( /system ) 需至少有5Mb以上的空間

2.需支援 init.d 功能,若沒有請先透過其他管道取得


L Speed is a modification that combines tweaks inside an intuitive application, the main goal of the tweaks is to improve performance, reduce stutters and lags, and expands battery life.

The mod will and should work on any device that meets its minimum requirement.
You only need a rooted Android device, Android 4.0 and later is needed for L Speed app to function properly.

L Speed 是一個結合了許多的調整功能,介面很直觀的修改型應用程式。主要目標調整的項目有:改善效能,降低延遲和延長電池壽命。


你只需要一個取得最高權限( Root權限 )的 Android 設備,Android 4.0以上的作業系統就能正常執行 L SPeed的功能。

*原本此應用程式開發僅限制使用於LG L系列的手機上面,經過作者調整後現在適用於所有 Android 裝置上。


Some minor fixes



關於 L Speed 項目(2016/02/05更新)

Boost now(立即加速) - 使用此選項可以降低快取和輕微的加速你的裝置(給予暫時性的加速)

FStrim now(立即重整) - 重整系統( /system)、資料( /data )和快取( /cache )分區和降低延遲(lag)

Battery Calibration(校正電池) - 此選項會重設電池狀態、讀取電池的正確數值和顯示電池正確的等級(Level)

CPU tuner(CPU調整) - CPU 省電和調整管理

Selinux (Security-Enhanced Linux,中文直譯:增強安全性的 Linux) - 切換 seliux 的狀態 (適用於 Android4.3 以上的作業系統)

Cleaner(清除垃圾) - 使用它來進行垃圾檔案 (如:.txt .log .tmp)、應用程式快取及更多其他的項目。

Seeder(原為一款應用程式的名稱,而並非直譯的"播種者") - 作用於裝置熵(唸作:ㄉㄧ,拚作:Di,英文寫作:entropy),目標是減少延遲(lags)。
(seeder 事實上並非作用於所有的裝置)

Ram manager(記憶體管理器) - 使用腳本執行低記憶體清除機制,現在為設定檔的模式

OOM killer(OOM清除者,OOM=Out of Memory,中文直譯:記憶體不足) - 開啟/關閉 應用程式清除當裝置記憶體不足時

Cache reclaiming(快取回收) - 控制檔案系統的快取和"重新整理"的比率

Cache allocation(快取配置) - 控制實體記憶體可以拿多少快取的百分比

Kernel tweaks(內核調整) - 最佳化內核

LNET Optimizer (L網路最佳化)- 不同的網路最佳化設定

Disable debugging(關閉除錯) - 此選項會關閉不必要的除錯和同時改善電池壽命和效能

Disable kernel panic(關閉內核應急機制) - 此選項將會降低重開機時像是記憶體不足的問題

Kernel sleeper optimization(內核睡眠最佳化) - 光明正大的睡眠者(Sleeper Fairness)是一個觀念用於CFS(CFS=Completely Fair Scheduler,中文名稱:完全公平排程器),它負責將CPU資源,分配給正在執行中的行程,目標在於最大化程式互動效能的同時,最小化整體CPU的運用。 這代表著行程把大部分的時間花在等待使用者輸入和當它們需要時會很理所當然的分配到一些CPU的資源。 本選項是一個最佳化電池壽命於就緒模式和減少UI延遲的機能。

1Kernel same-page merging(單核同頁合併) - 本選項會合併同頁的檔案到記憶體裡然後釋放空間(本選項會稍微耗電)

SD Tweak(SD 調整) - 增加內部儲存空間和外接式SD卡的讀取寫入速度

I/O tweak(I/O 調整,I/O=Input/Output,中文直譯:輸入/輸出) - 增加所有系統輸入輸出的速度和讓你的裝置變得很"暴躁(snappier)"

Zipalign(請容許我直接唸成:奇葩連線) - 奇葩連線(Zipalign)是一個檔案隊列工具提供 Android 應用程式(.apk安裝檔)一個很重要的優化。特別的是,它會讓所有.apk未壓縮的資料(像是:映像檔(Images)或是raw檔案)對齊在4位元組的邊界上。好處是當執行應用程式時可以減少記憶體的使用量

Fast Charge(快速充電) - 如果你的裝置或是內核支援快速充電,可以開啟本選項

ZRAM(虛擬記憶體壓縮) - 像是SWAP(記憶體置換空間)的功能,但是是應用在記憶體上面(內核必須支援)

Wifi sleeper(Wi-Fi 睡眠) - 減少 Wi-Fi 掃描的特殊間隔讓改善電池壽命

Flag tuner(旗幟調整) - 關閉多任務的限制

Better voice call quality(改善通話音量品質) - 目標在於改善聽筒聲音的品質

Fix blackscreen issue after call(修復通話完畢後黑屏問題) - 修復(如果有)接聽完電話因為距離感應器而造成螢幕短暫黑色顯示數秒鐘

Improve battery(改善電池) - 各種有用的調整來增加裝置的續航力

Better scrolling(改善滑動) - 使滑動更順暢

Faster boot(快速開機) - 停用開機動畫並加速其他處理程序的啟動速度

Improve image quality(改善圖像品質) - 設定圖片品質到100%並移除了許多拍照應用程式(如:Google 相機)只允許中等質量的限制。

Faster streaming(快速串流) - 使視頻播放更順暢

Liquid smooth UI (less lag) (滑順UI[減少延遲]) -有助於減少系統的延遲

Disable logcat(禁用日誌) - 這個調整會禁用日誌讓您你獲得一點輕微刺激的效能

Fast dormancy(快速休眠) - 這個快速休眠技術應用於3G UMTS保留該設備的電流消耗在訊號差或低訊號且不同的手機網路模式之間切換

Misc L SPEED tweaks(L SPEED雜項的調整) - 雜項調整且用來協助使你的設備更穩定

Assertive Display(自信的顯示技術) - 自信的顯示技術被設計為適應各種光照條件下,所以智慧型手機的使用者也越來越依賴於它們提供對於視頻娛樂特別的享受經驗,例如,明亮的陽光下,刺目的屏幕和光線反射不會讓你享受最新的電子書下載或串流您喜愛的電影,自信顯示技術的工作原理,通過調整每個單獨像素的伽瑪或彩色曲線在屏幕上,同時考慮到該內容被顯示以及任何環境光的存在和強度~

Technical explanation

CPU Tuner - Explanation coming soon !


This option removes the junk and obsolete files generated by the system (logs, unused cached ones, ect..) in defined directories.
/data : Previous kmsg logs, usagestats files, logs, text and APK files which are no longer useful.
/cache : Recovery mode logs, partition"s text and APK files which are no longer useful.


kernel.random.read_wakeup_threshold : Contains the number of bits of entropy required for waking up processes that sleep waiting for entropy from /dev/random.
kernel.random.write_wakeup_threshold : Contains the number of bits of entropy below which we wake up processes that do a select for write access to /dev/random.
This option increase their respective values according to a level from Lighter (lowest) to Aggressive (highest). This will use a bit more battery the more you increase the level, but it will also reduce the lag of your device.

OOM Killer

This option enables or disables killing the OOM-triggering task (vm.oom_kill_allocating_task) in out-of-memory situations.

If the option is disabled, the OOM killer will scan through the entire tasklist and select a task based on heuristics to kill. This normally selects a rogue memory-hogging task that frees up a large amount of memory when killed.

If it is enabled, the OOM killer simply kills the task that triggered the out-of-memory condition. This avoids the expensive tasklist scan.

Cache Reclaiming - Explanation coming soon !


Cache Allocation

This option lets the user to configure the conditions under which a large memory request is accepted or denied, and also to specifies the percentage of physical RAM allowed. How ? By the following important tunables :
vm.overcommit_memory : As its value is set to 1 by L SPEED, the kernel grants memory allocations above the amount of physical RAM and SWAP in the system as defined by the overcommit_ratio value.
vm.overcommit_ratio : This tunable defines the percentage by which the kernel overextends its memory resources (The percentage can be more than 100 for a situation where you have lots of programs that don"t use much of their allocated space.).
That"s why, Medium Cache Allocation option"s choice defines overcommit_ratio value at 100(%) and that Large Cache Allocation second option"s choice defines it at 150(%).

Kernel Tweaks - Explanation coming soon !


LNET Optimizer

This option optimizes your network by its different parts :

Net buffers
By default the Linux (and Android) network stack is not configured for high speed connections, as it"s done to save memory resources. You can easily tune it by increasing network buffers size to handle more network packets (thus allowing higher download/upload speeds) with the net.tcp.buffersize tunable. And that"s what this part does.
If you choose the small net buffers adding, it will increase the network buffers size reasonably for each connection type (3G, WiFi, LTE, Edge, UMTS).
But if you choose the big net buffers adding, the increase will be much bigger and it may affects your battery life while using your network.
DNS tweak
This one changes your network"s DNS with the net.dns tunable by the ones of Google Public DNS ( - Read here about its benefits !

Net protection
This part improves your network"s protection by a bunch of kernel tunables adding which are the following :
conf.all.rp_filter - conf.default.rp_filter : Those ones select the default RPF (Reverse Path Filtering) filtering for IP Spoofing protection.
tcp_max_syn_backlog : A SYN flood attack is a form of denial-of-service attack in which an attacker sends a large number of SYN (synchronization) requests to a target system’s services that uses TCP protocol. This will consume the device resources to make the system unresponsive. This tunable is the maximum number of remembered connection requests, which are still did not receive an acknowledgment from connecting client. L SPEED reduces its value to minimize the risk that it happens.
tcp_synack_retries : This tells the system how many times to try to establish a passive TCP connection that was started by another host. L SPEED reduces too its value for the same previous reasons.

RIL tweaks
This latest part improves your mobile data"s speed by adding a list of build.prop lines :
ro.ril.hsxpa : Defines weither to use UMTS, HSPDA/UMTS, or HSDPA/HSPUA respectively (It"s set to 3 by L SPEED which is equivalent to HSDPA/HSPUA).
ro.ril.gprsclass : Defines what class speeds to use with EDGE (It"s set to 12 by L SPEED, for more informations about read here !).
ro.ril.enable.3g.prefix : Shows "3G" on lock screen next to the network"s name.
ro.ril.hsdpa.category : Defines the max download rate (It"s set to 8 by L SPEED which is equivalent to 7.2 Mbit/s).
ro.ril.hsupa.category : Defines the max upload rate. (It"s set to 6 by L SPEED which is equivalent to 5.76 Mbit/s).
ro.ril.enable.a53 - ro.ril.enable.gea3 : Related to GPRS encryption algorithm.

IO Tweak

This opiton is used to tunes the Input/Output performance using its parts :

IO Extend Queue :
Each request queue has a limit on the total number of request descriptors that can be allocated for each read and write by the nr_requests tunable. By default, the number is 128, meaning 128 reads and 128 writes can be queued at a time before putting a process to sleep. That"s why, this part increases the number for performance purposes.

IO Booster :
The iostat (/queue/iostats) tunable generates reports and statistics (CPU Utilization Report, Device Utilization Report, and Network Filesystem report) which are only useful for the developers. Letting it enabled causes performance regression, that"s why it"s disabled.
Rotational (/queue/rotational) is a file which is used to stat if the device is of rotational type or non-rotational type. The majority of the Android devices don"t use SSD disks for their internal storage, and the system can detect by itself with hardware if it"s or not, so, enabling it is useless.
Nomerges (/queue/nomerges) is a tunable which is primarily a debugging aid. Most workloads benefit from request merging (even on faster storage such as SSDs). In a majority of cases, however, it is desirable to disable merging (by setting it to 1, it can save you some CPU cycles).
If RQ Affinity (/queue/rq_affinity) is set to 1, the block layer will migrate request completions to the CPU "group" that originally submitted the request. For some workloads this provides a significant reduction in CPU cycles due to caching effects. If this value is set to 2, it might provide better results. because all the cores will be used. As the majority of the kernels (especially the old ones) doesn"t support the second value, letting it only to the first one is the best choice.
Partition remount :
This part remounts EXT4 partitions with two mount options that are helpful for performance gains purposes.
noatime : Disables the updating of access time for both files and directories so that reading a file does not update their access time (atime).
nodiratime : Disables updating of access time when opening directories so that the access time is not modified when enumerating directories. This routine also checks that the object is a directory, which slows down the routine.
That"s why, avoiding the writes associated with updating the access time can result in measurable performance gains.

SD tweak :
The read_ahead_kb (/queue/read_ahead_kb) tunable represents the amount of additional data that should be read after performing a given read request. For example, if there"s a read-request for 4KB and the read_ahead_kb is set to 64, then an additional 64KB will be read into the cache after the base 4KB request has been met. Why read this additional data ? Because it "counteracts" the latency problems. This option increases its value for a better read/write speed.

RAM Manager

This option calculates the LMK (LowMemoryKiller) settings basing on your device"s RAM and the choosen profile. To be clear, what differs the profiles are the triggering RAM limits which are defined by the LMK calculated minfree values.
If free memory goes below than XXXX, then the system will kill the process and so on. That"s why for example, the processes aren"t often killed using the Multitasking profile.

Also, it changes the LMK"s cost parameter. This parameter seems to be a deciding factor on how often the low memory killer callback gets called by a registered shrinke, and the logic seems to mean that if the cost"s value is high, seeks would occur less often and it will allow to have more opened apps (that"s why, it"s increased for the Multitasking profile)

Finally, it disables the debugging by setting the LMK"s debug level to 0 : The debug_level is a statement which specify the level of debug information that is logged.

Disable debugging

This option is very useful to the debugging"s disable, as it disables read/write operations debugging (by setting the system debug_mask tunable to 0).
For example, it"s used by the developers during debugging driver logs.

Disable kernel panic

A kernel panic happens when the kernel detects an error from which it can"t recover. The operating system handles this situation often by dumping some debug info and/or rebooting the system.
This option disables it to avoid the annoying reboots if the used kernel is buggy and/or not stable.

Disable sleepers optimization - Explanation coming soon !


Kernel samepage merging (KSM)

KSM is a memory-saving de-duplication feature which performs scans through the memory and finds duplicate pages. Each detected duplicate pair is then merged into a single page, and this kernel feature is very useful for devices with a low amount of RAM.
This option enables it (if your kernel supports it) and changes its specific settings :

pages_to_scan : How many present pages are needed to scan before KSMD (kernel Samepage Merging Daemon) service goes to sleep.
sleep_millisecs : How many milliseconds ksm should sleep between the scans.

Zipalign (Android 4.4 & below)

Zipalign is an archive alignment tool that provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files. The purpose is to ensure that all uncompressed data starts with a particular alignment relative to the start of the file. This option executes the process to achieve the previously said purpose.

Fast Charge

Many modern Android phones support fast charging, which delivers a whopping 15 watts and can therefore charge your phone much more quickly.
This option forces the enabling of this feature (if your kernel supports it) with the force_fast_charge tunable.

Google services drain fix - Explanation coming soon !


Kill Google apps on boot

This option kills the related processes to Google Apps (Google Play Services, Google Services Framework, Google Apps process) at your device"s boot.

Kill Mediaserver on boot

Mediaserver or Media scanner on Android is designed to scan and index every media file (Images, Videos, Music) and make the list available to all Android apps, so that they don’t have to do the repetitive tasks. But it isn’t perfect. Media server can have strange behaviors and tends to be buggy, that"s why it"s often you can end-up shedding 50% of your battery on Media scans.
This option like its title says, kills the process at boot to fix the battery drain issue.


zRAM creates RAM based block devices named /dev/zram<id>
(<id> = 0, 1, ...). Pages written to these disks are compressed and stored
in memory itself. These disks allow very fast I/O and compression provides
good amounts of memory savings. However, the CPU has to work in more because of the data compression/extracting.
This option enables this feature (if your kernel supports it) and calculates the block devices size basing on your RAM amount.

Wifi sleeper

There"s some pre-allocated time to make the wifi sleep after the screen turned off. For most of Android phones, it seems like this value is 15 minutes. So, even the screen is off, wifi does not enter to the sleep mode immediately. Phone spend 15 minutes after the screen off, and kill the wifi session if wifi option was set to never (keep wi-fi on during sleep).
For battery saving purpose, this option reduces the default 15 minutes value to 30 seconds by editing the device"s settings database.

Flag tuner - Explanation coming soon !


Better voice call quality

Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) is a patented wideband speech audio coding standard developed based on Adaptive Multi-Rate encoding, which provides improved speech quality due to a wider speech bandwidth of 50–7000 Hz. This option enables it by adding its specific build.prop line (ro.ril.enable.amr.wideband=1).
If you want to use it, check first if your phone supports here !

Fix blackscreen issue after call

During call on some devices, the proximity sensor has an annoying delay to wake the screen when an user separates it from his ear.
To fix the problem, this option reduces greatly the delay by adding some build.prop lines with their reduced values (ro.lge.proximity.delay - mot.proximity.delay).

Improve battery

This option lets you to enhance your battery life by adding a bunch of build.prop lines which are explained below :
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval : Depending on the Android phone model, the Wifi connection interval can be set anywhere from 2 to 90 seconds from the factory. L SPEED increases its value to 180 seconds for a better battery saving.
ro.ril.disable.power.collapse - ro.ril.power_collapse : Both of them let the CPU clock rate to be in the Power Collapse State which is lesser than the standard one. It means that it will allow to have a lesser power consuption.
debug.sf.hw : That enabled flag stands for Debug SurfaceFlinger Hardware, in other terms it enables the Hardware Compositing which offers a better battery life than letting it disabled.
persist.sys.use_dithering (Cyanogenmod ROMs only) : This one will increase the quality of the phones graphics, and UI, at the cost of performance if enabled. L SPEED keep it disabled as it hogs RAM and CPU, especially on low-end devices.
ro.config.hw_power_saving - power.saving.mode - power_supply.wakeup enable - persist.radio.add_power_save : All of them have been activated by L SPEED for more power saving.

Better scrolling

This option increases both of the default maximum and minimum scroll velocity values (ro.max.fling_velocity & ro.min.fling_velocity), and disables the scrolling cache (by editing the persist.sys.scrollingcache tunable"s value).

Faster boot

This option add a new build.prop (ro.config.hw_quickpoweron=true) line which allows a faster boot.

Improve image quality

This option increases the bit rate and the resolution for a better recording quality. Also, it increases the pics saving quality to its optimal level (100%) and changes some specific build.prop lines for the same main purpose. Look below :
  1. setprop ro.media.enc.jpeg.quality 100
  2. setprop ro.media.enc.hprof.vid.fps 60
  3. setprop ro.media.enc.hprof.vid.bps 8000000
  4. setprop ro.media.capture.maxres 8m
  5. setprop ro.media.panorama.defres 3264x1840
  6. setprop ro.media.panorama.frameres 1280x720
  7. setprop ro.camcorder.videoModes true
  8. setprop ro.media.enc.hprof.vid.fps 60
  9. setprop ro.media.dec.aud.wma.enabled 1
  10. setprop ro.media.dec.vid.wmv.enabled 1
  11. setprop ro.media.cam.preview.fps 0
  12. setprop ro.media.capture.flash led
  13. setprop ro.media.capture.flashMinV 3300000
  14. setprop ro.media.capture.torchIntensity 40
  15. setprop ro.media.capture.flashIntensity 70
  16. setprop ro.media.capture.fast.fps 4
  17. setprop ro.media.capture.slow.fps 120

Faster streaming

This option enables Android"s Stagefright player for different possible media sources to make the streaming faster. Look below :
  1. setprop media.stagefright.enable-player true
  2. setprop media.stagefright.enable-meta true
  3. setprop media.stagefright.enable-scan true
  4. setprop media.stagefright.enable-http true
  5. setprop media.stagefright.enable-aac true
  6. setprop media.stagefright.enable-qcp true

Liquid smooth UI

This option increases the touch.pressure.scale tunable"s floating point number for a better UI.
touch.pressure.scale : Specifies a constant scale factor used in the calibration.

Disable logcat

The option adds build.prop lines which disable debugging in general :
debugtool.anrhistory : Disables the ANR history that would output the debuginfo to data partition.
profiler.debugmonitor - profiler.launch - profiler.hung.dumpdobugreport : Disable the profiling tools which are useful for developers for debugging purposes (measuring the method execution time, monitoring the full heap space, tracking the memory allocations in real time...).
logcat.live : Disables logcat output logs creating.

Fast Dormancy

This one let you the choice to enable or to disable the Fast Dormancy by adding a build.prop line, and here"s below what does this feature :
When your phone is connected via data (not wifi) your phone needs to enter certain states in order to maintain this connection. If your Operator does not have FD support or you have it disabled, then basically your states are just connected or not connected. What this means is that every time your phone connects to data, it will have to go through all of its internal functions in order to achieve the connection and perform the data transfer. This is slow and obviously the more processing that is required, the more the hit on battery.

FD tries to limit this problem by having several different states. Each state has a different level of connection throughput and power consumption.

DCH - High volume data (highest power consumption).
FACH - Lower volume.
PCH - No data but keeps connection.
IDLE_CCCH - Not entirely sure about this one but I think its an interim stage.
IDLE - Connection dropped (lowest power consumption).

When in DCH state, your phone is doing the highest volume of data transfer, and obviously consuming most power out of your battery.
The way FD will work is when transfer rates drop, the state drops to FACH for less power consumption and then back up immediately to DCH if required, or if this transfer state is over for the time being, (eg. you have stopped browsing) instead of going back to IDLE which would mean going through all the connection procedures next time data is required, the state drops down to PCH. This is a very low powered state, and when data is subsequently required, it can then immediately go back up to FACH or DCH with minimal effort. Going up/down between each states takes the least amount of time and battery.

Misc L SPEED tweaks

This option adds build.prop lines which are considered as misc, as they can have an effect for some and they can don"t have an effect for some others (depending on the Android version and the ROM used for example).
profiler.force_disable_ulog : Turns off the User Behavior Logging Service (HTC specific).
ro.com.google.networklocation : Disables the Google Network Location.
ro.telephony.call_ring.delay : Sets the delay of time your phone starts to ring when you receive a call (the mod sets it to 0).

Assertive Display (Qualcomm processors only)

Assertive Display is a new Qualcomm technology which makes the display adaptive to its viewing environment. As the viewing conditions change, sophisticated digital processing adjusts each pixel individually in real time for a " high-quality experience . Assertive Display takes control of both the screen brightness, and of the color of each individual pixel of each video frame, and adjusts these coherently providing total control of viewing experience from total darkness to bright sunshine.
The option enables this feature by adding its needed Calibration configuration file and its two build.prop lines (ro.qcom.ad - ro.qcom.ad.calib.data) for the enabling.


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Niemann | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2016-5-10 23:00
在 v.1.3.9裡 (M320 4.4.2):

Debugging Option ..全關
CPU Tuner ..全開
I/O Extended Queue ..開啟
Seeder .. 設為 moderate
Kernel Modification 讓我有"心驚膽跳"的經驗..

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