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[系統工具] 「Apk技術組」[LP] Xposed framework 3.0-Alpha1 for Android 5.0+

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sean50301 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2015-2-14 17:02

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本帖最後由 sean50301 於 2015-2-15 00:23 編輯


Xposed Framework For Lollipop (Android 5.0)

* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
* Submitting bug reports on beta builds is the leading
* cause of male impotence.

*不適用Samsung Stock ROM*


報導網址: Xposed Framework for Android Lollipop is Here!

原文網址: [OFFICIAL] Xposed for Lollipop

Xposed Q&A

Why did it take so long? ART has been published more than a year ago!

First of all – many people keep asking for ART support. Lollipop has far more changes than that, such as even stricter SELinux policies, 64-bit ROMs and architecture changes that you would expect from a major release. And of course ART itself is constantly being improved; there are big differences between ART for KitKat and ART for Lollipop.

So one reason is the big complexity, which required many, many hours of work for research, development and testing.

Another reason is that there are other things in my life than Xposed, so there have been weeks or even months in which I have hardly even looked at the code at all.

Do we need to rewrite all the modules?

No, the Xposed API is pretty much unchanged. Xposed abstracts all the details, so modules don’t need to care whether they’re running on Dalvik or ART. Many modules will actually work without any changes, especially those which modify the behavior of user apps. Modules targeting the system behavior might need to be adjusted to the new Android framework code, which isn’t caused by ART, but simply by architecture and code changes that happen between any two Android releases. The most significant one is that the code for system services has been moved to a separate file. For most of the affected modules, this can be solved by a little refactoring (moving code to a different place).

Is it actually working?

Yes! At least for me, it’s working fine on my daily device (Nexus 5 on CM12) and also on my Nexus 9 (paid by XDA – thanks!). The phone is stable as usual and apps are working fine. And obviously, the modules and their hooks/resource replacements are working fine as well, otherwise there would be no point in releasing something.

But then why is it an alpha version?

Because there have been huge changes since the last stable release that need to be tested by people who know how to use a recovery, escape from boot loops and report bugs properly. I strongly advise newbies to wait until Xposed has been tested by enough experienced people.

There are also some edge-cases which haven’t been tested yet, such as hooking JNI (native) methods and methods that are being executed at the time of hooking them.

I want to install it. Now! What do I have to do?

Make sure that you’ve read my words above and you’re familiar with your phone’s internals. Obviously, you need to be on a Lollipop ROM and have a good backup of your data. For now, I will only publish the ARMv7 version. 64-bit is more complex, so let’s try the “easy” variant first.

For now, the installation has to be performed manually in a custom recovery. Flashing the zip file will install:

app_process32_xposed and some symlinks
libart.so and some related binaries + libraries (based on 5.0.2, enhanced with support for hooking etc.)
XposedBridge.jar (now stored in /system/framework)
Backups of existing files will be created automatically and could be restored later.

It doesn’t work/I don’t like it! How can I uninstall it?

The easiest way is to restore a backup or flash the system partition. A zip file for uninstallation has yet to be created.

Why do you replace ART files on my device? That’s more invasive than on Dalvik, will cause significant performance issues and will be unstable!

I have written down some reasons on GitHub. Yes, it’s more invasive, so I have tried to avoid it for a long time, but from a technical and support-oriented point of view, I think it’s the better option.

Less performance than original ART? Probably, as I had to disable some optimizations to make certain kinds of hooks possible. However, this affects only a fraction of all methods and even for those, the performance loss is certainly not significant or noticeable, if even measureable. There are still thousands of other optimizations performed by ART, and I tried to disable as few as possible while providing as much flexibility as possible.

Stability is fine as mentioned above. Compared to the approach I used for Dalvik (modifying the runtime’s internal data structures from app_process), I’m even pretty sure that replacing the libraries completely is a much more reliable way. I could integrate my changes into existing code cleanly and reuse related functions, whereas many hacks and assumptions would be needed for other ways.

Will you finally make the source code public?

Sure, you will find it on GitHub very soon after the release of the alpha version, in a separate branch for now.

Does this mean that older Android version are no longer supported now?

No! The new code compiles on all 4.x versions of Android, and just need to be tested before a unified release. But first, I need to be sure that it’s working fine for Lollipop. Possibly, ART support could be backported to KitKat, but that’s of less priority.

How can I thank you for your work?

Many people have asked for ways to donate a few bucks, so I have set up a donation page now.

How much do I need to donate for you to add feature X or a module that does Y?

That’s not donating, that’s paying somebody in expectation of future work. I’m not interested in freelancer jobs.




-運行 TWRP 2.7+ or CWM

-Android 5.0以上(非運行LP請勿安裝)













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參與人數 4碎鑽 +12 經驗 +3 幫助 +13 收起 理由
camdio + 1 + 1 非常讚
woolala + 1 + 1 + 1 讚一個!
hmaaaa + 1
d121614848 + 10 + 2 + 10 感謝無私分享,辛苦妳了,加油。.


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andy151617 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-2-14 21:58
我的畫面跟你一樣   但無法使用

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你可以多找幾個模組試試看~ 好像不是全部的模組都支援。綠色守護就不行..  發表於 2015-2-14 23:13
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cola_1025 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-2-15 13:15
終於釋出能在lolipop ART下運行的版本了

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參與人數 1幫助 +1 收起 理由
sean50301 + 1


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萬辰辰 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-3-18 20:58
由 手機網頁 發佈
S3 i9300  CM12  lolipop 5.0.2刷完所有應用都無限強制關閉  小心

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sweeting | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-3-23 08:45
LG G3 5.0 刷完也是所有應用都無限強制關閉,只好重刷ROM。

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aa7711271 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-4-8 17:24
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Xperia ZR刷了之後正常(綠色守護不行用)我是用移植過了的CM12系統

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發表於 2015-4-11 17:26
HTC Eye 剛升上 5.0,結果刷了之後,電話的app完全掛了,太GG

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tem384588 發表於 2015-4-11 17:26
HTC Eye 剛升上 5.0,結果刷了之後,電話的app完全掛了,太GG


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clark407 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
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Android 5.0以上?
Android 6.0以上?

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