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[教學] 仙人掌可以阻擋電腦輻射嗎? Can Cacti Block Harmful Radiation?

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仙人掌可以阻擋電腦輻射嗎? Can Cacti Block Harmful Radiation?

作者 Mark Darvill



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Can Cacti Block Harmful Radiation?

  Cacti have long been popular plants to keep in living spaces around the world. The fact that cacti are both pleasing to the eye and easy to take care of makes them ideal plants to brighten up homes. Furthermore, cacti offer a number of health-related benefits to humans, such as increasing the amount of oxygen in your home. However, there is a more specific reason why cacti ownership has become more popular in recent years. Specifically, thanks to a lot of questionable information being spread online, many people now believe that keeping cacti on your desk benefits your health because cacti absorb harmful radiation emitted by your computer. Regarding this claim, fact-checking is required.  
(誤刊通知: 紙本解析雜誌五月號 5 月 6日文章第20頁,第一段後半部 many people now believe that keeping cacti on your desk benefit your health...中的benefit需加"s",正確為"benefits",造成您學習上的困擾,深感抱歉。)

  First, some websites state that radiation from computers is responsible for a range of health problems, including insomnia and headaches. On this note, it is important to keep in mind that there are multiple types of radiation. While some are indeed harmful, the amount of radiation emitted by computers is not enough to damage human health.

  Next, regarding the question of whether cacti can actually absorb radiation from a computer, the simple answer is no, they can’t. This is because radiation from a computer would be emitted in all directions. Therefore, a cactus positioned on one side of your computer will do nothing to stop radiation from traveling straight towards you from the front of the machine.

  In summary, cacti cannot prevent you from absorbing radiation from your computer. However, such radiation will actually do you no harm. Having said that, keeping cacti in your home provides a number of real advantages that can help you live a happier and healthier life.

1.   What does the word “questionable” in the first paragraph most likely mean?

(A)  Reliable.

(B)  Doubtful.

(C)  Hard-to-answer.

(D)  Easy-to-understand.

2.   How are cacti helpful for human health?

(A)  They help people fall asleep.

(B)  They are good for your eyes.

(C)  They absorb radiation.

(D)  They raise oxygen levels.

3.   How does the author feel about the claim that cacti can block harmful radiation?

(A)  It needs further investigation.

(B)  It is true and in urgent need of attention.

(C)  It is inaccurate and the facts should be clarified.

(D)  It should be valid because it has been published online.

4.  If a plant could absorb radiation from computers, where should one place it to effectively lower one’s exposure to radiation?

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