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[教學] 這是目前最強悍的 刷機模式,更新 G1 版本為Recovery v1.7.0

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  v1.7.0版支持最新的APP2SD備份方式,也就是說支持CM5.0.7 ROM,但是,不支持舊版的APP2SD。

v1.7.0版  更新
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Recovery and scripts use /sd-ext instead of /system/sd as mountpoint to support the new apps2sd method (implemented mostly by Chris Soyars)
支持最新的APP2SD方法。舊的第二分區位置在根目錄 system/sd     新的分區位置為根目錄  sd-ext
- Added an option to backup/restore Google proprietary Android system files (backuptool.sh written by Cyanogen)
新增 一個備份和恢復選項
- Removed "move apps2sd"-option as it"s not needed anymore with the new apps2sd method  
取消了"move apps2sd"
- Updated BART to v1.3.1 (updated by Dumfuq to support /sd-ext)
更新BART為1.3.1版 支持/SD-Ext
- Added a wipe cache only option  
- Nandroid now backups/restores /cache again by default   
Nandroid默認備份/還原 緩存文件夾/cache
- Dalvik-cache wipes /cache/dalvik-cache now
擦除程序緩存路徑為 /cache/dalvik-cache
- Removed SDCARD: prefix in output when chosing zip to flash
- Added Cyan version (There"s no difference with the normal version, only the wallpaper and textcolor changed)  
‧full ADB access in recovery mode ADB 完全訪問刷機模式
‧Busybox v1.15.3 (生成命令工具)
‧HW-Key navigation (volume keys + CALL-ANSWER) option 硬件導航 選項(音量鍵+應答鍵)
‧Extended menu (with keyboard-shortcuts): 擴展菜單及快捷鍵

  ◦[HOME+Back] Reboot system now :: reboot your phone 重啟手機
  ◦[Alt+X] Go to console :: bring up the console 進入控制台
  ◦[Alt+T] USB-MS Toggle :: enable/disable USB mass storage (use when the phone is connected to your PC)
  ◦[Alt+B] Backup/Restore (recovery partition not included!) 備份和恢復

    ■[Alt+0] Nand backup :: Make a Nand backup 備份系統文件
    ■[Alt+1] Nand + ext backup :: Make a Nand + ext backup 備份系統文件和第二分區(Ext分區)
    ■[Alt+2] Nand restore :: Restore a Nand backup 還原一個備份
    ■[Alt+3] BART backup :: Make a BART backup (Nand + ext)  BART備份(系統和Ext分區)不能備份多個
    ■[Alt+4] BART restore :: Restore latest BART backup 還原最近的BART備份
    ■[Alt+5] Bck Google files :: Makes a backup of the Google proprietary system files in /cache/google 備份谷歌數據 (如賬號之類的)
    ■[Alt+6] Rst Google files :: Restores the Google proprietary system files from /cache/google 恢復谷歌數據
  ◦[Alt+F] Flash zip from sdcard :: Flash a zip update file from your sdcard  進入SD卡選擇一個zip刷機文件
  ◦[Alt+W] Wipe 擦除

    ■[Alt+0] Wipe data/factory reset :: Wipe /data and /cache 擦除數據和緩存
    ■[Alt+1] Wipe cache :: Wipe /cache only 只擦除數據
    ■[Alt+2] Wipe Dalvik-cache :: Wipe /cache/dalvik-cache 擦除程序緩存
    ■[Alt+2] Wipe SD:ext partition : Wipe the ext partition on your sdcard 擦除Ext分區
    ■[Alt+4] Wipe battery stats : Wipe the battery stats in /data 擦除電池數據
    ■[Alt+5] Wipe rotate settings : Wipe the sensor settings in /data 擦除傳感器設置數據
  ◦[Alt+P] Partition sdcard SD卡分區
    ■[Alt+0] Partition SD :: Interactive SD partitioning 交互式分區(Fat32、Ext2、Swap)可以選擇分區大小
    ■[Alt+1] Repair SD:ext :: Repair the ext partition 修復ext分區
    ■[Alt+2] SD:ext2 to ext3 :: Convert ext2 to ext3 轉換Ext2 為 Ext3
    ■[Alt+3] SD:ext3 to ext4 :: Convert ext3 to ext4 轉換Ext3 為 Ext4
  ◦[Alt+O] Other 其他
    ■[Alt+0] Fix apk uid mismatches :: Does extacly that 修復APK程序
    ■[Alt+1] Move recovery.log to SD :: Moves the recovery log file to your sdcard. (Use when you want more detailed recovery log information)   移動刷機日誌文件到SD卡(需要詳細的刷機數據使用)
  ◦[ALT+Q]Power off :: Powers off your phone 關閉手機

‧Scripts available from console : 通過adb命令可用腳本
  Nandroid v2.2.1 : enter "nandroid-mobile.sh" to start.  輸入「nandroid-mobile.sh」命令開始
  BART v1.0.1 (Backup and Restore Tool) : enter "utility" to start.  輸入「utility」命令開始
  switchrom.sh V1.1 : enter "switchrom" or "u" to start. 輸入「switchrom」或「u」命令開始
  sdparted v0.6 : enter "sdparted" to start. 輸入「sdparted」命令開始

【安裝方法】(以下操作以 G1 v1.7.0 版刷機模式為例)

flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-dream-v1.7.0.img【刷新刷機模式】(注意要輸入sdcard)
reboot recovery 【重啟 並 打開刷機模式】 (:reboot[空格]recovery)


如果提示"no space on device"的错误,可以在 FASTBOOT模式下刷

fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-dream-v1.7.0.img

注意:【recovery-RA-dream-v1.7.0.img】 是你下载的文件名,
  如果觉得麻烦 拷入SD卡后可以直接改名为【170.img】

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4.49 MB, 下載次數: 22, 下載積分: 碎鑽 -1 個

G1 標準版


4.49 MB, 下載次數: 11, 下載積分: 碎鑽 -1 個

G1 cyan版


參與人數 2碎鑽 +1 幫助 +2 技術 +1 收起 理由
ck967 + 1 偶像,看完你的內容,讓我找到了活著的意義.
jack199266 + 1 + 1 + 1 就是這個


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用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
alexhch | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2011-9-7 17:12
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hyf5703 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2011-11-3 23:33
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finmeteor | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2018-10-7 18:29
非常感谢 很不错 找了一下午recovery
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