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分享 10 Open Source Android Apps which every Android developer must look into
lenki 2011-7-14 22:52
來源: http://sudarmuthu.com/blog/10-open-source-android-apps-which-every-android-developer-must-look-into I used to read code from popular open source projects to see how others implement certain functionalities and also to learn from them. (I am a firm believer of the fact that you have to read good code to write good code) Recently I have been following up a couple of good open source Android apps and thought of listing them here so that it could be useful for others. Sample Apps by Android Team Could there be a better way to start without looking at the code of the developers who developed the framework? These are 15 different android sample apps created by the core developers of the Android framework. These include a couple of games, photostream, time display, home screen shortcuts etc. url : http://code.google.com/p/apps-for-android/ Remote Droid RemoteDroid is an android app which turns your phone into a wireless keyboard and mouse with touchpad, using your own wireless network. You can learn lot of things like connecting to a network, controlling user finger movement etc from its source. url: http://code.google.com/p/remotedroid/ TorProxy and Shadow TorProxy is an implementation of Tor for Android mobiles. Together with Shadow, it allows you to browse website anonymously from your mobile phone. You can learn about tunnelling socket connections, managing cookies etc by reading its source code. url: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/code/svn/android-tor/ and http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/android/tor/ Android SMSPopup It is an Android app that intercepts incoming text messages and displays them in a popup window. Apart from being a time saver, this app also shows us how to interface with the built-in app that manages SMS. url: http://code.google.com/p/android-smspopup/ Standup Timer Standup Timer is an Android application that acts as a simple, stand-up meeting stop watch. It can be used to ensure your stand-up meeting finishes on time, and gives all the participants an equal share of time to state their progress. You can learn how to use the timer functionality by reading the source code. Also this apps has clear distinction between view, model etc and has lot of util methods which we can reuse in our app. url: http://github.com/jwood/standup-timer Foursquare It is a four square client for android. This app is basically divided into two components; http://code.google.com/p/foursquared/ Pedometer The pedometer app tries to take the number of steps you take every day. Even though the count is not accurate, you can learn different things like interacting with accelerometer, doing voice updates, running background services etc by reading its source code. url: http://code.google.com/p/pedometer/ opensudoku-android OpenSudoku is a simple open source sudoku game. You can learn how to display things in a grid in your view and also how to interact with a website by reading its source code. url: http://code.google.com/p/opensudoku-android/ ConnectBot ConnectBot is a Secure Shell client for the Android platform. There are lot of good things about this app’s source code. Check it out for yourself http://code.google.com/p/connectbot/ WordPress for Android How can you expect a list of apps from me without mentioning WordPress This android app is from the official WordPress development team. You can learn how to make XMLRPC calls (in addition to other cool things) by reading its source code. url: http://android.svn.wordpress.org/trunk/ If you got any good open source android apps from which we can learn something, then do leave a comment and I will add them up here, till then happy reading
個人分類: Android Open Source|1000 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 quick-settings
lenki 2011-7-14 08:49
名稱: quick-settings Logo: 說明: 快速設定亮度、音量、鈴聲狀態、Wi-Fi、GPS、藍芽、螢幕逾時、螢幕自動轉向、飛航模式、自動同步、解鎖圖案、網路資料傳輸(APN)。同時可顯示目前剩餘電力,記憶體剩餘狀態,內含手電筒功能。 Market: Source Code: http://code.google.com/p/quick-settings/
個人分類: Android Open Source|1027 次閱讀|0 個評論