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tag 標籤: Software


分享 xyz微軟Microsoft Office 2013 Bulgarian Language Pack x64 微軟Office 2013軟體 ...
xyz22info 2013-12-20 16:44
微軟Microsoft Office 2013 Bulgarian Language Pack x64 微軟Office 2013軟體 All software included in this release is only intended for your use if you own a legal license to this software. We are not to be held responsible for illegal use/installation of this software. If you choose to install and test this software and you decide to keep it, you must purchase a valid license. If you do not own legal license to this software we will not be held responsible for any charges brought against you by any software company(s) or people working for any software company(s). We do not support piracy, we are here only to provide an evaluation.
0 個評論
分享 About 「tPacketCapture」
熱度 4 magkono 2013-2-18 09:28
tPacketCapture is the software that can capture communication packets on non-Rooted device. 更新日:2013/02/13現在のバージョン:1.4Android 要件:4.0 以上 ●https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.taosoftware.android.packetcapture ●http://www.taosoftware.co.jp/en/android/packetcapture/ 英語  http://www.taosoftware.co.jp/android/packetcapture/  日本語
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