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分享 JAVA 學習:HashMap 應用學習
jianrupan 2021-12-2 17:11
學習網站:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOPDB2R41L0 public class Dictionary { public static void main ( String [] args ) throws Exception { // HashMap is dynamic data structure for collection of key-value mapping // HashMap 是可以直接由 key 對應 value 的動態資料結構 /* What we want to do this: 1.Load dictionary data from file 2.Put data to HashMap 3.Provide dictionary checking feature 我們要做的事情是: 1.從檔案讀取字典資料 2.把資料放進 HashMap 中 3.提供字典查詢的功能 */ // 建立 HashMao 物件 Create HashMap Object // HaspMapKeyDataType, ValueDataType HashMap String , String dic = new HashMap String , String (); // 從檔案讀取資料 Load data from file // 避免中文亂碼 String sFile = "H:/學習_JAVA/HashMap/Dictionary/src/Data.txt" ; InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader ( new FileInputStream ( sFile ), "UTF-8" ); try ( BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader ( isr )) { // FileReader in = new FileReader("H:/學習_JAVA/HashMap/Dictionary/src/Data.txt"); // BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(in); String line ; String english , chinese ; int cutIndex ; while (( line = reader . readLine ()) != null ) { // 試印資料 // System.out.println(line); cutIndex = line . indexOf ( "," ); english = line . substring ( 0 , cutIndex ); chinese = line . substring ( cutIndex + 1 , line . length ()); // 試印資料 // System.out.println(english+"-"+chinese); // 把資料放進 HashMap 中 Put data into HashMap dic . put ( english , chinese ); // 英文查中文 dic . put ( chinese , english ); // 中文查英文 } } // 提供字典查詢的功能, 輸入 0 結束程式 // Provide dictionary checking feature, enter 0 to exit program while ( true ) { System . out . println ( "輸入想查詢的文字 Enter keyword to check" ); String keyword = System . console (). readLine (); if ( keyword . equals ( "0" )) { break ; } else { // if key exist, return value, else return null // 如果 key 存在, 回傳相對應的 value, 否則回傳 null String result = dic . get ( keyword ); if ( result == null ) { System . out . println ( "查不到資料 No Data" ); } else { System . out . println ( "查詢成功 Success: " + result ); } } } } }
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