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Android 台灣中文網 標籤 monkey 相關日誌

tag 標籤: monkey


分享 It's not my fault it's Dragon King asked me
ZaoPeeantrav 2015-10-14 11:35
It's not my fault it's Dragon King asked me
They fly to heaven.You di said you must apologise to Dragon King and Tai Shang Old Man, and I will not punish you. Wu Kong is angry, I don"t want to apologize, to pull that needle, and I ate Tai Shang"s pills because I was drank. Yu di is mad with with monkey, he ask Guan Yin put him into Tai Shang"s huge kellte, he decide to burn him, the fire in the kettle is not common fire, it is vacuum fire, Tai Shang use his power made it, it will burn 7X7=49 days and then stop, this fire won"t out with wind or water. Wu Kong stayed in the kettle for 49 days! He didn"t die, but it"s too too hot, his eyes is too hurtful to open when he comes out finally. But then he found he can see people"s inner soul, he can see what"s people used to do before becoming Immortals, and he can see what"s the animals that changed into the servants in the heaven! Guan Yin see his eyes is gold shiny, she said, oh no, the monkey have a gold eye! He"s even stronger than before, he gets more power!
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