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Android 台灣中文網 標籤 Microsoft 相關日誌

tag 標籤: Microsoft


分享 Microsoft Office 2016 全系列版本 (可自訂安裝)
anny270 2016-7-27 01:51
Part1:https://mega.nz/#!dwh3Hbya!Q0dJCeGgG5ClGqgOmoITEbMEv9nbOCTMaRlXRum6mxg Part2:https://mega.nz/#!sgBzxajK!CQVB9nk5v7Wwa_PepT51YzBhj_1_I2MA5oqRjkydz_o Part3:https://mega.nz/#!lwZTSLDA!XoMjz_aHU7oFDboaxVm7oeMkZZZci2Cubk5jpS5uoSg 解壓縮密碼: chenhan1007分享於艾噹洛學院p2p101.com_http://www.p2p101.com/?fromuser=chenhan1007_阿光僅分享於「艾噹洛學院-P2P101.COM」
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分享 Microsoft Office 2003 Professional 繁中免序號版
冠傑_微薄 2015-5-26 01:37
【軟件名稱】:Microsoft Office 2003 Professional 繁中免序號版 【軟件語言】:繁體中文 【檔案格式】:rar 【檔案大小】 :1.16GB 【解壓密碼】:無 【 下載 】: 下載1 下載2 【使用說明】: 下載完之後解壓縮,開始使用。 免責聲明: 1.僅供網路測試無任何販售行為及獲得任何利益!請於測試完後24小時以內將檔案刪除! 2.請支持正版!本檔案的提供純為試看用途,請勿作商業上之用途!!!!請於下載完後24小時以內將檔案刪除!!!
個人分類: 軟體|2341 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 xyz微軟Microsoft Office 2013 Bulgarian Language Pack x64 微軟Office 2013軟體 ...
xyz22info 2013-12-20 16:44
微軟Microsoft Office 2013 Bulgarian Language Pack x64 微軟Office 2013軟體 All software included in this release is only intended for your use if you own a legal license to this software. We are not to be held responsible for illegal use/installation of this software. If you choose to install and test this software and you decide to keep it, you must purchase a valid license. If you do not own legal license to this software we will not be held responsible for any charges brought against you by any software company(s) or people working for any software company(s). We do not support piracy, we are here only to provide an evaluation.
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