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[英語] Olly Murs ft. Demi Lovato-Up(MEGA@[email protected])

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本帖最後由 br1135d 於 2015-1-17 12:34 編輯

【歌手名稱】:Olly Murs ft. Demi Lovato
【歌曲專輯】:Never Been Better

I drew a broken heart 我畫上一顆破碎的心
Right on your window pane 就畫在妳的玻璃窗子上
Waited for your reply  等待著妳的回覆
Here in the pouring rain 只有傾盆大雨的陪伴
Just breathe against the glass 請對著那扇窗呼出一口氣
Leave me some kind of sign 給我一點指示 讓我不再迷惘
I know the hurt won"t pause, yeah 我知道那些傷痛永不癒合
Just tell me it"s not the end of the line 但請告訴我這不是終點
Just tell me it"s not the end of the line 請告訴我我們還在一起

I never meant to break your heart 我從來不想傷你的心
I won"t let this plane go down 我不會讓我們的戀情凋零
I never meant to make you cry 我從不想讓你為此流淚
I"ll do what it takes to make this fly 為了讓我們和好如初我願意做任何事
You gotta hold on 你一定要緊握著
Hold on to what you"re feeling 握著你現在戀愛的感覺
That feeling is the best thing 這種感覺是無與倫比的美妙之物
The best thing, alright 最佳的事物,沒錯
I"m gonna place my bet on us 我會把一切賭在我們身上
I know this love is heading in the  same direction 我清楚明白這段戀情只有一個目的地
That"s up 那就是不斷向上,永不隕落

You drew a question mark 妳在我的玻璃窗上畫了個問號
But you know what I want 但妳明明知道我的所求
I wanna turn the clock, yeah 我只想要逆轉時光
Right back to where it was 把一切逆轉回最初的妳和我
So let"s build a bridge, yeah 所以啊,一起造座橋吧
From your side to mine 就蓋在妳與我之間跨過那些鴻溝
I"ll be the one to cross over 我願意當跨越橋樑的那個人
Just tell me it"s not the end of the line 但請告訴我這不是終點站
Just tell me it"s not the end of the line 請告訴我我們還有機會

I never meant to break your heart 我從來都不想傷害你
I won"t let this plane go down 我會讓這架飛機失事
I never meant to make you cry 我從來都不想讓你落淚
I"ll do what it takes to make this fly 我願意付出一切只為了使這架飛機重新起飛
You gotta hold on 你一定要把握
Hold on to what you"re feeling 把握住你現在的感受
That feeling is the best thing 這種感覺是最美妙的感受
The best thing, alright 是的,這就是最美好的感受
I"m gonna place my bet on us 我願將我的一切押在我們身上
I know this love is heading in the same direction 我知道這份愛將駛向同樣的方向
That"s up 那就是向上,不凋零

Girl, I know we could climb back to where we were then 女孩,我知道我們一定能從谷底爬回原先的高峰
Feel it here in my heart 我打從心裡明白
Put my heart in your hand 請把我的心捧在妳的手心
Well, I hope and I pray that you do understand 是的,我希望也祈禱妳能夠明白我的想法
If you did, all you have to say is 如果妳能,妳所需訴說的只有:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 是、是、是、是
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 好、好、好、好
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 我願意、我願意
I"m waiting for you 我會等妳
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 是、是、是、是
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 好、好、好、好
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 我願意、我願意

I never meant to break your heart 我從來不想在你心上畫上一刀
I won"t let this plane go down (let this plane go down) 我從來不想讓我們倆墜入谷底 (墜入深谷)
I never meant to make you cry 我從來不想讓你這樣泣不成聲
I"ll do what it takes to make this fly 我會盡一切可能讓我們倆復合
You gotta hold on 你一定要堅持
Hold on to what you"re feeling 堅持你與我之間的共同感受
That feeling is the best thing 那是最美好的感受
The best thing, alright 最美之物,是的
I"m gonna place my bet on us 我會將一切賭在我們身上
I know this love is heading in the same direction 因為我知道我們的前進目標是相同的
That"s up 那就是讓這份愛永續經營

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