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ccpsgary的個人空間 https://apk.tw/?70517 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]



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mrmm2020 2013-8-12 23:15
ccpsgary: 現在是卡在哪?

12/005/2013 23:05:48 - INFO  - Start Flashing
12/005/2013 23:05:48 - INFO  - Processing loader
12/005/2013 23:05:48 - INFO  -     Checking header
12/005/2013 23:05:48 - INFO  -     Flashing data
12/005/2013 23:05:48 - INFO  - Ending flash session
12/005/2013 23:05:48 - ERROR - Read error :31 : 連結到系統的某個裝置失去作用。
12/005/2013 23:05:48 - ERROR - Error flashing. Aborted
12/005/2013 23:05:49 - INFO  - Device disconnected
12/005/2013 23:05:51 - INFO  - Device connected in flash mode
12/006/2013 23:06:35 - INFO  - Device disconnected
12/006/2013 23:06:40 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
12/006/2013 23:06:40 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
a4512 2013-7-29 18:49
ccpsgary: 我這裡好像有,但要刷刷看是不適

不及 我可以等你

a4512 2013-7-28 13:15
ccpsgary: 好像被版主拿掉了
那怎麼辦  大大知道哪裡有嗎0.0?
a4512 2013-7-28 12:16
大大 我找不到原廠的4.04ftf黨耶ˋˊ