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[Android] Apple副總不滿Instagram有Android版本 刪除帳戶抗議?

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CPMCHAN | 收聽TA | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
發表於 2012-4-21 17:50

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Instagram登陸到Android平台,首天下載量高達100萬,不到一星期就累積到500萬,絕對受到Android用家歡迎。但有人歡喜有人愁,Apple副總裁Phil Schiller就即時作出行動抗議刪除Instagram帳戶,為Apple員工樹立一個好榜樣?

據報道指出,有用家發現Schiller的Instagram帳戶在Android版推出後便不見了,並從其Twitter帳戶內得到証實,Schiller的確離開了Instagram,並電郵給他還得到回覆,明顯對Android感到十分不滿,就如之前有不少iPhone用家對Android用家進入Instagram社區表示反感一樣。由於該用家在自己的Blog上貼出Gmail圖片字體較為細少,所以亦將該段文字抄出讓大家清楚看到該回覆內容,大家可以看看。其中最有意思的是"Now that is has grow(n) much larger the signal to noise ratio is different,是否認為Android用家進入Instagram世界影響了相片質素?還是其他原因呢?我們亦不予置評。不知道有沒有Instagram用家也會跟隨Schiller的行動呢?
Instagram is a great app and community. That hasn’t changed.
But one of the things I really liked about Instagram was that it was a small community of early adopters sharing their photographs.
Now that it has grow(n) much larger the signal to noise ratio is different.
That isn’t necessarily good or bad, it’s just not what I originally had fun with.

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