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[動態桌布] Magic Fluids (2.2↑@0.5MB@APK)

[複製連結] 查看: 528|回覆: 1|好評: 0
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發表於 2015-10-5 22:39

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【系統支持】支持Android 2.2 以上版本
Fluid animation in your pocket! Touch the screen and create beautiful motion of colorful smoke and water.
Key features of Magic Fluids:

- Highly configurable fluid behaviour and look
- 20 configuration presets - if you"re lazy
- You can save your own presets
- Multitouch controls
- Smoke (gas) and water (liquid) animation
- Thousands of particles moving with the fluid
- You can pause the animation anytime and save screenshots
- You can use Magic Fluids as a regular app or as a Live Wallpaper
- Highly optimized, multiple quality settings for wide range of devices
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參與人數 5碎鑽 +9 經驗 +3 幫助 +13 收起 理由
sheila_utk + 1 + 1 + 1 很給力!
略拉 + 3 + 1 + 5 你的付出,對會員幫助很大唷!.
YSLYSL + 1 + 1 非常讃
snk867 + 1 + 1 非常讃
asd13388821 + 3 + 1 + 5 神馬都是浮雲


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LOTVS32 | 收聽TA | 只看該作者
發表於 2015-10-6 11:57
挖 真有藝術
有辦法 IOS 版 也可以用嗎
用Android 就來Android 台灣中文網(https://apk.tw)
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