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tag 標籤: telling


分享 [歌曲轉載] Tokio Hotel - World Behind My Wall
alwayssmil0404 2013-8-15 12:43
歌曲為:網路上試聽,喜歡請支持正版。 http://r18---sn-nx57yn7z.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?upn=Gs9cfonQaREsource=youtubesparams=cp%2Cgcr%2Cid%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Cratebypass%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpiregcr=twms=aukey=yt1mt=1376541611mv=mip= Tokio Hotel的歌 多多少少都有些勵志的意味 當Bill第一次唱出那句“they"re telling me it"s beautiful”的時候 整首歌在最初的無措里染上了希望的味道 一首歌下來 也僅僅是讓你換個角度去看世界 打破自己給自己的束縛去面對新的世界 或許這樣的主題很老套 但給了我感動 不知是Bill的原因 還是編曲的原因 無論怎樣 這些都是給我們的力量 It"s raining today The blinds are shut, it"s always the same I tried all the games that they play But they made me insane Life on TV It"s random, it means nothing to me I"m writing down what I cannot see Wanna wake up in a dream Whoa, whoa They"re telling me it"s beautiful I believe them but will I ever know The world behind my wall? Whoa, whoa The sun will shine like never before One day I will be ready to go See the world behind my wall Trains in the sky Are traveling through fragments of time They"re taking me to parts of my mind That no one can find I"m ready to fall I"m ready to crawl on my knees to know it all I"m ready to heal, I"m ready to feel Whoa, whoa They"re telling me it"s beautiful I believe them but will I ever know The world behind my wall? Whoa, whoa The sun will shine like never before One day I will be ready to go See the world behind my wall See the world behind my wall See the world behind my wall See the world behind my wall I"m ready to fall I"m ready to crawl on my knees to know it all I"m ready to heal, I"m ready to feel Take me there (Whoa, whoa) Take me there Take me there Whoa, whoa They"re telling me it"s beautiful I believe them but will I ever know The world behind my wall?
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